Welcome to Ballynakill

Ballynakill is a small but very special townland in County Wexford, Ireland. Its name comes from the Irish language, "Baile na Cille", which means "Town of the Church". Isn't that interesting?

Even though Ballynakill is not very big, it has a long history that goes back hundreds of years. The townland has seen many changes over the centuries, with people living there, farming the land, and building homes for their families.

One of the most exciting stories about Ballynakill happened a long time ago, in the 1798 Rebellion. This was a time when some Irish people were fighting against British rule. The Battle of Three Rocks took place near Ballynakill. The Irish rebels won this battle, which was a significant event in the rebellion.

Today, Ballynakill is a peaceful place where families live, kids go to school, and farmers work on their lands. But it's fun to remember that once upon a time, it was a place where a very important battle happened. History is all around us, even in small townlands like Ballynakill!

  1. What does "Baile na Cille" mean in English?
  2. What significant event took place near Ballynakill in the 1798 Rebellion?
  3. What activities happen in Ballynakill today?
  4. Why do you think the Battle of Three Rocks was important for the Irish rebels?
  5. How does the history of Ballynakill influence its present day?

All About Ballynakill

Ballynakill, in County Wexford, is a really special place in Ireland. It's full of interesting things to see and explore. It doesn't have any big mountains or grand rivers, but it has some lovely green fields and quaint country roads.

One of the most exciting places is the Ballynakill Village. It's like a treasure map with little houses and streets. Sometimes, you might even spot a fluffy sheep or a busy bee!

Speaking of animals, Ballynakill has lots of them! From playful rabbits to chirping birds, you can find many creatures living happily here. If you’re lucky, you might see some foxes or badgers when they come out at night.

There are also many types of plants. Beautiful flowers like buttercups and daisies are common, and big, leafy trees provide homes for birds and insects. Maybe you can find a four-leaf clover for good luck!

The most famous road is the L4045. It might sound like a robot's name, but it's a road that goes right through Ballynakill. It's a great way to see the beautiful countryside.

So, Ballynakill might be small, but it's full of life and fun things to see!

  1. What are some of the animals you might see in Ballynakill?
  2. Describe the L4045 road and its geographical significance in Ballynakill.
  3. What types of plants are common in Ballynakill?
  4. Using a map of Ballynakill, can you identify and describe one geographical feature not mentioned in the text?
  5. Plan a visit to Ballynakill. What would you like to explore based on the geographical features described and why?

My Family and Ballynakill

Hi! I'm Jamie, and I'm 8 years old. I live in Ballynakill, Co. Wexford. It's a really cool place! There's lots of fields and animals. I like to play in the fields with my friends and we sometimes see cows and sheep.

One of my favourite places is the Ballynakill Bay. It’s big and blue and really beautiful. We go there sometimes to have picnics and build sandcastles. Little boats float in the bay and I like to watch them.

I also love the Ballynakill Church. It’s really old and grand. My mum says it's been here longer than any of us. Sometimes, we go there on Sundays. I love the sound of the bells ringing.

There's also an ancient castle near my house, it’s called the Ballynakill Castle. It's old and mysterious, and I like to imagine I’m a knight protecting it.

Living here in Ballynakill, Co. Wexford is fun. There’s so much to see and do! I love being here and can't wait to grow up here.

  1. What is Jamie's favourite place to visit in Ballynakill, Co. Wexford?
  2. What activities does Jamie enjoy doing at Ballynakill Bay?
  3. What does Jamie imagine when he/she visits the Ballynakill Castle?
  4. What does Jamie like about the Ballynakill Church?
  5. What animals does Jamie often see in the fields?

The Logainm of Ballynakill

Ballynakill is a special place name in County Wexford, Ireland. In Irish Gaelic, it's called "Baile na Cille", which means "Town of the Church". This name tells us a story about the old times when there was probably a big, important church in this town.

Many, many years ago, back when knights and castles were around, the people of Ireland spoke Irish Gaelic. The town was named Baile na Cille because of its church. This church must have been a very important place for the people living there, maybe the biggest building in the town where everyone gathered on Sundays.

Today, the town's name is still Ballynakill, but most people in Ireland, including those living in Ballynakill, speak English. Yet, the Irish name is still used and remembered. It's a link to the past and to the Irish language, reminding everyone of the history and traditions of this place. So, even though we live in modern times, we can still see traces of the past in the names of our towns and cities!

  1. What does Ballynakill mean in English?
  2. Why do you think the town was named after a church?
  3. What language was spoken in Ireland many years ago?
  4. How does the name Ballynakill connect us to the past?
  5. Can you think of any other places that might have a story behind their name?

Slideshow - Ballynakill
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Ballynakill