Welcome to Ballynacourty

Ballynacourty is a magical little place in the County Waterford, Ireland. A long, long time ago, there weren't any buildings or roads, just beautiful Irish nature! Over time, people started to live there, build houses, roads and even a school, just like yours.

The name Ballynacourty comes from the Irish language, like many places in Ireland. It means "Town of the Court," but it's not about a court where a judge sits! This "court" refers to an ancient Irish gathering place.

Even though there are no big battles or famous kings from Ballynacourty, the place has its own special stories. People used to farm a lot, growing potatoes and raising animals. Also, the townland is very close to the sea, so many people were also fishermen.

If you visit Ballynacourty today, you will still see farms and animals. You can feel the breeze from the sea and if you listen carefully, you might just hear the whispers of the old stories in the wind. So, even though Ballynacourty might not be in the history books, it's a place filled with its own small, but important stories.

  1. What is the meaning of Ballynacourty in the Irish language?
  2. What were the main jobs of the people who lived in Ballynacourty long ago?
  3. What can you still see in Ballynacourty today that was also there in the past?
  4. Why do you think Ballynacourty is referred to as a 'magical' place?
  5. If you could visit Ballynacourty, what would you like to do or see there? Explain why.

All About Ballynacourty

Ballynacourty is a lovely place nestled in County Waterford, Ireland. It's like an adventure land full of exciting things to discover! One of the best parts is the River Blackwater, a long, twinkling ribbon of water that flows nearby. It's home to a bunch of fish and you might even see an otter splashing about if you're lucky! Then there are the Comeragh Mountains, standing tall and proud near Ballynacourty. They're covered in greenery and are a great place to spot birds and wild animals. Ballynacourty is dotted with beautiful flowers, like the bright yellow gorse bush, and the Irish hare might be spotted bouncing through the fields. There are also many streets that are fun to walk on. The most famous one is probably the Ring Road. It's a long road that circles around the town, passing by farms, houses, and the wonderful Ballinacourty Lighthouse. This tall, white tower has been guiding ships safely to shore for over 150 years! Street furniture? Well, you'll see post boxes painted a cheery red and traditional lampposts lighting up the streets at night. So, Ballynacourty is a pretty cool place to explore, don't you think?.

  1. Can you name one type of wildlife that inhabits the River Blackwater in Ballynacourty?
  2. What are some of the geographical features of the Comeragh Mountains?
  3. What is the significance of the Ballinacourty Lighthouse and why is it important for ships?
  4. Using a map of Ballynacourty, can you trace the route of the Ring Road and identify any notable landmarks it passes?
  5. Explore the area of Ballynacourty yourself, either virtually or physically. Can you find a geographical feature not mentioned in the article? Describe it.

My Family and Ballynacourty

Hi, I'm Kelly, and I'm 8 years old! I live in a super cool place called Ballynacourty Co. Waterford. It's in Ireland, you know. It's not like a big city with tall buildings and noisy cars. It's calm and peaceful with lots of green fields and friendly people. I love it here!

I live near a big, old lighthouse called Ballinacourty Point Lighthouse. It's tall and white, and at night, it lights up and looks like a giant torch. I often dream of climbing to the top and seeing the whole world. Maybe someday I will!

There's also the Helvick Head Fishing Harbour nearby. It's always busy with boats coming in and out. Sometimes, I see fishermen unload their catch, and it's fun to watch. They have all sorts of fish, and some are really big!

Another fun place is the Dungarvan Bay. It's a beautiful beach, and I love to build sandcastles there. The water is so clear and blue. I love to run and play with my friends there on sunny days. It's the best!

That's all about my life in Ballynacourty Co. Waterford. It's not a big city, but I wouldn't trade it for anything else. Bye for now!

  1. What is the name of the lighthouse near Kelly's house?
  2. What activities does Kelly enjoy doing at Dungarvan Bay?
  3. How does Kelly describe the Helvick Head Fishing Harbour?
  4. In what ways does Kelly describe the place they live in?
  5. Why does Kelly love living in Ballynacourty Co. Waterford?

The Logainm of Ballynacourty

Ballynacourty is a really special place in County Waterford, Ireland. Its name in Irish is 'Baile na Cúirte', which means 'Town of the Court'. This name comes from long, long ago when Irish kings and chiefs used to hold their courts. Just imagine, hundreds of years ago, important people sitting around making big decisions right where Ballynacourty is now!

Over time, the name Baile na Cúirte became Ballynacourty in English. That's because, in the past, English speakers found it hard to say Irish place names, so they changed them to sound more English. But even though the name changed, its exciting history remains.

Today, Ballynacourty is a peaceful place where people live, work, and go to school. But every time its name is said, it reminds us of the time when it was a place of power and decisions, a long, long time ago. So, when you say 'Ballynacourty', you're actually saying a little piece of history!

  1. What does the Irish name 'Baile na Cúirte' mean in English?
  2. Why did the name 'Baile na Cúirte' change to 'Ballynacourty'?
  3. What kind of people used to hold courts at the place now known as Ballynacourty?
  4. How does the name 'Ballynacourty' remind us of its historical past?
  5. What does it feel like to say a little piece of history every time you say 'Ballynacourty'?

Slideshow - Ballynacourty
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Ballynacourty