Welcome to Ballymacelligott

Ballymacelligott is a special place in the county of Kerry, Ireland. Long, long ago, around the 12th century, this beautiful land was named after a very important person, MacCaille. The name 'Ballymacelligott' means 'MacCaille's townland'. Can you imagine having a whole town named after you?

Even though it's not a big city, Ballymacelligott has a rich history. Many, many years ago, people used to dig the earth there looking for copper. Copper is a kind of metal that was important for making tools and jewelry.

One really cool thing about Ballymacelligott is that it has ancient stone forts, called 'Ringforts'. These were like little villages where people lived over 1000 years ago! Just imagine, kids like you going to school, playing, and living in these stone forts.

So, even though you might not find a big castle or a famous battle that happened in Ballymacelligott, it's still a fascinating place. It tells the story of the people who lived there long before us. Isn't history amazing?

  1. What does the name 'Ballymacelligott' mean?
  2. What kind of metal did people dig for in Ballymacelligott long ago?
  3. What are 'Ringforts'?
  4. Why do you think it is important to learn about places like Ballymacelligott?
  5. How would you feel if a town was named after you? Why?

All About Ballymacelligott

Ballymacelligott is a magical place in County Kerry, Ireland. It's like a giant green playground full of exciting things to see and do! Imagine a place where the mountains touch the sky, rivers flow like shiny ribbons, and streets are full of friendly faces - that's Ballymacelligott.

One of the most special places to visit is the River Maine. Just like you have veins carrying blood in your body, this river is the lifeblood of Ballymacelligott, making the fields lush and green. You might even spot a playful otter or a graceful heron here!

There are no big mountains in Ballymacelligott, but there are many rolling hills. They're like gentle giants, covered in a soft blanket of grass and flowers. Speaking of flowers, Ballymacelligott is home to pretty wildflowers like buttercups and daisies.

The streets of Ballymacelligott are interesting too. Have you heard of the Old School House in Dysert? It's an old building that was once a school, and it whispers stories of the past. Isn't it cool to imagine kids like you going to school there a long time ago?

So, if you visit Ballymacelligott, don't forget to explore its beautiful nature and interesting streets. Who knows what you'll discover!

  1. What is the River Maine's role in Ballymacelligott's geography and ecosystem?
  2. Describe the landscape of Ballymacelligott. Are there any mountains?
  3. What type of wildflowers can you find in Ballymacelligott?
  4. What is special about the Old School House in Dysert?
  5. Using a map, can you identify and describe one geographical feature of Ballymacelligott not mentioned in the text? Consider exploring the area in person or using an online map for this task.

My Family and Ballymacelligott

Hi! I'm Zephyr and I'm 8 years old. I live in this super cool place called Ballymacelligott in Co. Kerry. It's right in Ireland! Did you know Ballymacelligott has a lot of history? It's true!

We have this really old building called Dysert Castle. It's not like the castles in fairy tales though. It's a tower house and it's been around for hundreds of years! Mom says it was built in the 15th century. That's a really long time ago!

There's also this big rock everyone calls the Standing Stone. It's in one of our fields. Some people think it was placed there by giants! Isn't that wild? I like to think it's a stone giant who's waiting to wake up one day.

Oh, and we have lots of animals here! There's sheep and cows, and one time I even saw a fox! It's really fun growing up in Ballymacelligott, there's always something new to see or some adventure to have.

  1. What is the name of the old building in Ballymacelligott?
  2. How old do you think Dysert Castle is?
  3. What are some stories about the Standing Stone?
  4. What animals can you find in Ballymacelligott?
  5. Why does Zephyr think it's fun to grow up in Ballymacelligott?

The Logainm of Ballymacelligott

Ballymacelligott is a special place in County Kerry, Ireland. The name 'Ballymacelligott' is a mix of English and old Irish words. 'Bally' means 'place' in English, 'mac' means 'son', and 'elliogott' is an old Irish family name. So, Ballymacelligott means 'Place of the son of Elliogott'. It's like a story told in just one word!

Long, long ago, there lived a family named Elliogott. They were very important in their community and had a big impact on the area. That's why the place was named after them. People wanted to remember their contributions. So, they named the place 'Ballymacelligott'.

Even today, the name remains the same. It's a way of showing respect to the past and the Elliogott family. Every time someone says 'Ballymacelligott', they're telling a little piece of history. It's a way of connecting the past and the present, reminding us that history is always with us.

  1. What does 'Ballymacelligott' mean in English?
  2. Why was the place named 'Ballymacelligott'?
  3. Who were the Elliogott family and why were they important?
  4. How does the name 'Ballymacelligott' connect the past and the present?
  5. Can you think of other places that might have similar stories behind their names?

Slideshow - Ballymacelligott
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Ballymacelligott