Sure, here are the lesson plans in HTML format: ```html
Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Ballylooby 60 minutes History textbooks, Projector for images, Writing materials Introduction to Ballylooby's history and the origin of its placename Activity 1: Group discussion about the history. Activity 2: Drawing of historical events. Activity 3: Role-playing historical figures. Summarize the history of Ballylooby and the meaning behind its name Group presentation, Drawing assessment, Role-play performance
2: Notable Person 60 minutes Biographies, Internet access Introduction to notable person related to the area Activity 1: Reading comprehension questions. Activity 2: Role-play interview with the notable person. Activity 3: Art project creating a portrait of the person. Summarize the notable person's life and their impact on the area Comprehension quiz, Role-play performance, Art project assessment
3: Geography of Ballylooby 60 minutes Geography textbooks, Maps, Internet access Introduction to the geography of Ballylooby Activity 1: Map reading exercise. Activity 2: Group discussion on the importance of geographical features. Activity 3: Drawing of geographical features. Summarize the geographical features of Ballylooby Map reading quiz, Group discussion, Drawing assessment
4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Maps, Rulers, Pencils Introduction to mapping skills Activity 1: Individual mapping of Ballylooby. Activity 2: Group project to create a 3D model of Ballylooby. Activity 3: Treasure hunt using a map. Summarize the importance of mapping skills Mapping quiz, Model assessment, Treasure hunt performance
5: Biodiversity 60 minutes Science textbooks, Internet access Introduction to biodiversity and its importance Activity 1: Field trip to observe local flora and fauna. Activity 2: Group discussion on protecting biodiversity. Activity 3: Poster making on biodiversity protection. Summarize the importance of biodiversity and its protection Field trip quiz, Group discussion, Poster assessment
6: Visual Arts 60 minutes Art supplies Introduction to using local area as art inspiration Activity 1: Sketching local landmarks. Activity 2: Painting local scenery. Activity 3: Collage making with local materials. Summarize the importance of art and how local area can inspire it Sketch assessment, Painting assessment, Collage assessment
``` Note: Please replace the "Notable Person" in Lesson 2 and specific geographical features in Lesson 3 & 4 with relevant information as I couldn't find specific details about Ballylooby Co. Limerick V35 DX85.