Welcome to Ballylooby

Welcome to the magical land of Ballylooby, in County Limerick, Ireland! Ballylooby may be a small townland, but it has a big heart and an interesting history.

Years ago, Ballylooby was part of an ancient kingdom known as Munster, ruled by mighty kings. Can you imagine kings and queens living here long, long ago? They would have watched over the lush green fields and rolling hills, just like we do today!

Ballylooby has always been a place where people work together, making their living from the land around them. In the olden days, people would have farmed, growing crops and raising animals. They worked hard to make sure everyone in the community had enough to eat.

Even though there aren't any famous battles or big events that happened here, Ballylooby's history is still important. It shows us how people have lived and worked together for hundreds of years.

So next time you walk through the fields or play in the park in Ballylooby, remember that you're part of its long, rich history. Isn't that exciting?

  1. What was the name of the ancient kingdom that Ballylooby was a part of?
  2. What kind of jobs did people in Ballylooby do in the olden days?
  3. What is the importance of Ballylooby's history?
  4. Why do you think it's important to know about the history of the place where you live?
  5. If you could go back in time to Ballylooby during the time of the ancient kingdom of Munster, what would you want to see or do?

All About Ballylooby

Welcome to the wonderful world of Ballylooby! But, oops! There's a tiny mix-up. Ballylooby is actually in County Tipperary, not County Limerick. But no worries, let's explore Ballylooby!

Ballylooby is a small, magical village nestled in the lush green countryside of Ireland. Imagine being surrounded by rolling hills, sparkling streams, and friendly sheep. That's Ballylooby for you!

The village is crisscrossed by little roads, perfect for a leisurely bike ride or a walk. One such road is Church Street, where you can see the heart of the village - St Kieran's Church!

Nature is Ballylooby's best friend. You'll find a mix of trees like oaks and ash, and in spring, wildflowers burst into life, painting the landscape in a rainbow of colours. You might spot wildlife like badgers, foxes or even red squirrels!

The charming River Duag runs close to Ballylooby, winding its way under charming stone bridges. This river is home to playful otters and even a fish or two! And guess what? In the distance, you can see the majestic Knockmealdown Mountains. They're like giant guardians watching over Ballylooby.

Ballylooby might be small, but it's packed with beauty and charm. How about drawing a picture of this lovely village?

  1. What is the name of the river that runs close to Ballylooby?
  2. Which street in Ballylooby would you find St Kieran's Church?
  3. Can you name two types of wildlife you might spot in Ballylooby?
  4. Using a map, can you find Ballylooby and identify two physical features you can see?
  5. Explore the area around Ballylooby (you can do this virtually too!). Can you find something of geographical interest not mentioned in the text?

My Family and Ballylooby

Hi there! I'm Riley, I'm 8 years old and I live in a small place called Ballylooby in Co. Limerick. It's really cool here! We have the best fields for playing football and building forts, and sometimes we can see the Galtee Mountains from our garden – they're super tall!

My favourite place in Ballylooby is the Fairy Fort. It's a big grassy hill and legend has it that fairies live there. I've never seen one, but I like to imagine they're there, playing pranks on us when we're not looking. I hope one day they'll invite me to their fairy parties!

We also have a really old church called St. Kieran's. It's very pretty and sometimes we have school trips there. The teacher says it's important because it's part of our history. I like to think about all the people who were here before me.

Living in Ballylooby is fun and interesting. Every day is a new adventure and I can't wait to see what happens next! Bye for now, I have a fort to build!

  1. What is Riley's favourite place in Ballylooby and why does Riley like it?
  2. What are some things Riley does in the fields of Ballylooby?
  3. What does Riley imagine about the Fairy Fort?
  4. Why does Riley think St. Kieran's Church is important?
  5. What does Riley look forward to in Ballylooby?

The Logainm of Ballylooby

Do you know what the name Ballylooby means? It comes from the Irish language! Ballylooby is a small village in County Limerick, Ireland. The word Ballylooby comes from the Irish words "Baile Lúbach". "Baile" means town and "Lúbach" means winding or bendy. So Ballylooby means "the town of the winding or bendy roads". Isn't that fun?

Many years ago, people used to travel on bendy roads in Ballylooby on horses and carts. Today, people use cars and bikes, but the roads are still winding and bendy. This is a great reminder of how things were in the old days and how they are linked to the present day.

People in Ballylooby are proud of their village's name and its history. It represents their Irish heritage and the beautiful landscape of their home. Next time you see a winding road, think about Ballylooby and its bendy roads!

  1. What does the word Ballylooby mean?
  2. What are the Irish words that Ballylooby comes from and what do they mean?
  3. How did people used to travel on the roads in Ballylooby long ago?
  4. How do people travel on the roads in Ballylooby today?
  5. Why do you think people in Ballylooby are proud of their village's name and its history?

Slideshow - Ballylooby
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Ballylooby