Here's your HTML lesson plans: ```html
Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Ballydowny Killarney 60 minutes Books, Internet, Maps Introduction to the history of Ballydowny Killarney Children will explore the history of the area, focusing on the placename's logainm. Activities: Research, Group Discussion, Presentation Summarizing the history of Ballydowny Killarney Oral and written feedback, Presentation skills
2: Notable Person from the area 60 minutes Books, Internet Introduction to a notable person from the area Children will study and discuss the person's life and contribution. Activities: Research, Biography writing, Role-play Reflection on the person's impact on the area Written biography, Role-play performance
3: Geography of the area 60 minutes Maps, Internet Introduction to the geographical features of Ballydowny Killarney Children will explore the area's rivers, mountains, lakes. Activities: Map study, Field trip, Drawing Summarizing the geographical features of the area Oral and written feedback, Drawing
4: Mapping skills of the area 60 minutes Maps, Compass, Ruler Introduction to map-reading Children will practice mapping the area. Activities: Map drawing, Compass reading, Distance measuring Discussion on the importance of mapping skills Map drawing, Compass reading, Distance measuring
5: Biodiversity of the area 60 minutes Internet, Field trip essentials Introduction to biodiversity and its importance Children will explore local biodiversity and discuss protection. Activities: Field trip, Species identification, Brainstorming Reflection on the importance of protecting biodiversity Species identification, Protection ideas
6: Visual arts inspired by the area 60 minutes Art supplies Introduction to using the local area as art inspiration Children will create art inspired by Ballydowny Killarney. Activities: Sketching, Painting, Collage making Exhibition and discussion of the created artworks Artwork, Creativity, Technique
``` Please note that you need to replace the Internet, book references and field trip essentials with actual resources you have. Also, you may need to adjust the time allocation based on your class's pace.