Welcome to Ballycarnane

Ballycarnane is a small townland in County Waterford, Ireland. Long, long time ago, before your grandparents were born, Ballycarnane was a bustling place where people lived and farmed.

Did you know, Ballycarnane is an old Irish word that means "the town of the little cairn?" Cairns are piles of stones that people in ancient times used as landmarks or to remember important events. That tells us that Ballycarnane has a history that goes back thousands of years!

While there might not be a big, exciting event that happened in Ballycarnane, its everyday history is full of hardworking farmers and families. Imagine, children like you going to school, playing in the fields, and helping their parents on the farm. Over the years, these families and farmers helped to make Ballycarnane the peaceful and pretty place that it is today.

So, next time when you visit Ballycarnane, try to imagine the many generations of people who have lived there, each adding their own little piece to the story of this charming townland.

  1. What does the name Ballycarnane mean in old Irish?
  2. What are cairns and what were they used for in ancient times?
  3. What kind of people lived in Ballycarnane long time ago?
  4. If you were living in Ballycarnane long time ago, how do you think your life would be different from today?
  5. Why do you think it's important to know about the history of the place where we live or visit?

All About Ballycarnane

Ballycarnane is a lovely place in County Waterford, Ireland. Imagine it like a beautiful, green painting, with lots of exciting things to see and do! At its heart, you'll find a few notable streets like Ballycarnane Road, where friendly people live in pretty houses. There are also lots of fields and meadows, perfect for playing and exploring.

Nature is a big part of Ballycarnane's charm. Many different plants and animals call it home. You might see foxes, rabbits, or even a red squirrel in the woods. And look out for the colourful wildflowers that decorate the fields, especially in spring!

The area is especially famous for its wonderful coastline, with the Celtic Sea just a stone's throw away. There are no big mountains here, but you can find some gentle hills perfect for hill-rolling! Plus, there are small brooks running through the area, bubbling along happily.

You won't find a lot of street furniture like benches or lamp posts in Ballycarnane, because it's more of a countryside than a city. But you will find lots of stone walls, marking out the fields, which add a unique charm to the area.

Ballycarnane is indeed a magical place, with its lovely streets, beautiful nature, and friendly people. A perfect place to explore and have fun!

  1. What is Ballycarnane famous for?
  2. Why is Ballycarnane more of a countryside than a city?
  3. Name some animals that you might see in Ballycarnane.
  4. Using a map of Ballycarnane, can you identify the main features mentioned in the text?
  5. Plan a visit to Ballycarnane and find something of geographical interest. What is it and why did you choose it?

My Family and Ballycarnane

Hi there! I'm Taylor, and I'm eight years old. I live in Ballycarnane, Co. Waterford. It's a really fun place to grow up! There's always something cool to do. Like, did you know we have a huge windmill right here? It's called the Ballycarnane Windmill. I like to go there with my friends and make believe we're in a fairy tale. It's so big and tall, it feels like it touches the sky.

There's also a beach nearby called Tramore Beach. It's my favourite spot, especially in the summer. My family and I love to have picnics there and build sand castles. Sometimes, we even get to see beautiful sunsets!

Oh, and we also have the Lafcadio Hearn Japanese Gardens here. The garden is full of beautiful flowers and trees. We often go there to learn about the plants and the Japanese culture. It's super cool!

So you see, growing up in Ballycarnane is a lot of fun. There's always something new to explore and learn. Can't wait to share more of my adventures with you! Bye for now!

  1. What's the name of the windmill in Ballycarnane?
  2. What do I like to do at Tramore Beach?
  3. What can you learn about at the Lafcadio Hearn Japanese Gardens?
  4. Why do I like living in Ballycarnane, Co. Waterford?
  5. What do I often imagine when I visit the Ballycarnane Windmill?

The Logainm of Ballycarnane

Ballycarnane is a special place in County Waterford, Ireland. The name Ballycarnane is Irish and it means "the town of the heap of stones." In the olden days, people used to make heaps of stones to mark their lands or as a way to remember important events. So, Ballycarnane might be a place where a lot of these stone heaps were found.

Many years ago, Ireland was not like it is today. There were no big cities or roads. People lived in small settlements, and they used stone heaps to mark their territories. These stone heaps were very important to them, and that's why places like Ballycarnane got their names.

Today, when you visit Ballycarnane, you might not see many stone heaps. But the name of the place reminds us of how life used to be in Ireland. It's like a link that connects the present with the past. Even though we now live in a different world, names like Ballycarnane help us remember our history and where we come from.

  1. What does the name Ballycarnane mean in English?
  2. Why do you think people used to make heaps of stones in the past?
  3. How does the name Ballycarnane connect the past with the present?
  4. Why do you think it's important to remember our history?
  5. Can you think of other places that might have interesting stories behind their names?

Slideshow - Ballycarnane
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Ballycarnane