Welcome to Ballycarnahan

Ballycarnahan, in Co. Kerry, is a magical spot in Ireland that's full of history! Imagine a time long ago, when brave knights and beautiful princesses walked the land. That's what Ballycarnahan was like!

This small townland was once part of the Kingdom of Desmond, a large and powerful kingdom ruled by Gaelic nobles. They lived in grand castles and defended their land against invaders. The Kingdom of Desmond was famous for its brave and skilled knights, who were known throughout Ireland.

Even though there are no castles left in Ballycarnahan today, if you listen closely, you might hear the whispers of the past on the wind. Maybe you'll hear the clatter of a knight's armor, or the laughter of a merry feast in a castle hall.

Today, Ballycarnahan is a peaceful place, with beautiful green fields and friendly people. It's a place where history comes alive, and where the stories of the past are remembered. So next time you visit, close your eyes and listen for the echoes of those brave knights and beautiful princesses. And remember, you're walking in the footsteps of history!

  1. What was Ballycarnahan once part of?
  2. What is Ballycarnahan like today?
  3. What might you hear if you listen closely in Ballycarnahan?
  4. Why do you think the Kingdom of Desmond was famous for its knights?
  5. If you could travel back in time, what would you like to see or do in Ballycarnahan and why?

All About Ballycarnahan

Ballycarnahan, in County Kerry, is a magical place in the Southwest of Ireland. It's a small village surrounded by green hills and fields full of friendly sheep. Imagine walking down the main street, where you might notice the beautiful old stone walls and the traditional Irish cottages.

Nearby, you'll find the River Ferta flowing cheerfully. It's home to many fishes, ducks, and even some playful otters. If you're really quiet and patient, you might even spot a deer or two in the nearby woods!

In this special place, you can see the majestic MacGillycuddy's Reeks mountains. They are the highest mountains in Ireland and are named after the MacGillycuddy family who once lived in the area.

Ballycarnahan is also full of interesting plants. You'll see lots of hawthorn bushes with their white blossoms in spring. And the fields are decorated with wildflowers like buttercups and clovers. If you're lucky, you might find a four-leaf clover for good luck!

So that's Ballycarnahan, a wonderful mix of village life, nature, and history. A great place to explore and learn about the world around you.

  1. What types of animals might you find in and around the River Ferta?
  2. Why are the MacGillycuddy's Reeks mountains significant?
  3. Can you describe some of the plant life you might find in Ballycarnahan?
  4. Using a map of Ireland, can you locate Ballycarnahan and the MacGillycuddy's Reeks mountains?
  5. What geographical feature of Ballycarnahan interests you the most? Plan a trip to explore this feature and write a short description of what you might expect to see and experience.

My Family and Ballycarnahan

Hi, I'm Vinnie! I'm 8 years old and I live in Ballycarnahan, Co. Kerry. It's a really cool place. You wouldn't believe all the things I've seen!

My house is close to a really big hill, like a mountain, called Carrantuohill. It's the highest mountain in Ireland! Sometimes, dad and I, we go hiking there. It's tough, but when we get to the top, wow, can you see far!

And then there's the beach. Ballybunion beach, it's called. I love building sandcastles there and watching the surfers ride the waves. I want to learn to surf too, one day.

We have a lot of animals around here. Sheep, cows, and even some wild deer. Once, I saw a red fox in our backyard. It was so quick and shy, but I managed to take a picture.

I love living here. It's peaceful, beautiful and always an adventure. Can't wait to share more of my stories with you. Bye for now!

  1. What is the name of the highest mountain in Ireland?
  2. What activities does Vinnie enjoy doing at the beach?
  3. What kinds of animals does Vinnie see around Ballycarnahan?
  4. How did Vinnie feel when he saw a red fox in his backyard?
  5. Why does Vinnie love living in Ballycarnahan, Co. Kerry?

The Logainm of Ballycarnahan

Ballycarnahan is a place in County Kerry, Ireland. The name Ballycarnahan is special because it tells a story. It comes from the Irish words 'Baile', which means 'town', and 'CarnĂ¡n', which means 'little cairn'. A cairn is a man-made pile of stones, often built as a landmark or a memorial. So, Ballycarnahan means 'the town of the little cairn'. Isn't that interesting?

In old times, people would have used these small stone piles to find their way or remember important events. Maybe there was a special little cairn in this town a long time ago. Today, Ballycarnahan is a lovely small town with lots of friendly people. It's fun to think about how its name connects us with people who lived there long ago.

  1. What does the name Ballycarnahan mean in English?
  2. What is a cairn?
  3. Why do you think people in old times might have built a cairn?
  4. How does the name Ballycarnahan connect us with the past?
  5. Can you think of any other place names that might tell a story?

Slideshow - Ballycarnahan
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Ballycarnahan