Lesson 1 Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
History of Ballycanew Co. Wexford 60 minutes Books on Ballycanew, Internet access, Projector Introduce students to the history of Ballycanew, focusing on the logainm of the placename. Discuss what a logainm is and why it is important. Activity 1: Research the origins of the name Ballycanew using books and internet resources.
Activity 2: Create a timeline of important historical events in Ballycanew.
Activity 3: Compare the current Ballycanew with the Ballycanew of the past through pictures and stories.
Review the history and importance of Ballycanew's name, and discuss how the area has evolved over time. Students will be assessed on their participation in class discussions and the completion of their timelines.
Lesson 2 60 minutes Books, Internet access Introduce students to a notable person from the Ballycanew area, or from close by. Activity 1: Research and discuss the notable person's life and achievements.
Activity 2: Create a biography of the notable person.
Activity 3: Role-play a day in the life of the notable person.
Discuss the impact and legacy of the notable person on Ballycanew or the wider area. Students will be assessed on their biographies and participation in the role-play activity.
Lesson 3 60 minutes Maps of Ballycanew, Internet access Introduce students to the natural geography of Ballycanew, including its rivers, mountains, lakes, and beaches. Activity 1: Explore Ballycanew's geography using maps and online resources.
Activity 2: Compare and contrast Ballycanew's geography with that of another area.
Activity 3: Discuss how Ballycanew's geography affects its climate, wildlife, and lifestyle.
Discuss the importance of geography in understanding a place and its characteristics. Students will be assessed based on their participation in class discussions and their understanding of Ballycanew's geography.
Lesson 4 60 minutes Maps, pencils, paper Introduce students to mapping skills, focusing on Ballycanew. Activity 1: Teach students how to read a map, using a map of Ballycanew.
Activity 2: Have students create their own maps of Ballycanew, including important landmarks.
Activity 3: Use students' maps to navigate a hypothetical journey through Ballycanew.
Discuss the importance of maps in understanding and navigating a place. Students will be assessed based on their ability to understand and create maps.
Lesson 5 60 minutes Internet access, local flora and fauna guides Introduce students to the concept of biodiversity, focusing on Ballycanew. Activity 1: Discuss the different types of plants and animals found in Ballycanew.
Activity 2: Discuss how to protect the local biodiversity.
Activity 3: Create a plan for a hypothetical biodiversity conservation project in Ballycanew.
Discuss the importance of biodiversity and its conservation. Students will be assessed based on their participation in class discussions and their conservation plans.
Lesson 6 60 minutes Art supplies Introduce students to the idea of using their local area as inspiration for art. Activity 1: Discuss different art mediums and how they can be used to represent Ballycanew.
Activity 2: Have students create their own artwork inspired by Ballycanew.
Activity 3: Display the artwork and have students discuss their inspiration and process.
Discuss how the local area can be a source of inspiration for art. Students will be assessed based on their participation in class discussions and the completion of their artwork.