Welcome to Ballycanew

Ballycanew is a charming little townland in County Wexford, Ireland. It's like a tiny dot on the map, but it has a rich history!

Many, many years ago, before your great-grandparents were born, Ballycanew was home to Irish chiefs! It was part of the ancient Kingdom of Uí Cheinnselaig, ruled by powerful Irish chiefs. Imagine living in a place where kings and queens once lived!

The townland's name, Ballycanew, comes from the Irish 'Baile na Canav', meaning "town of the Canavas". The Canavas were an important family in the area a long time ago.

Even though no big battles or famous events happened in Ballycanew, the townland has always been a peaceful, friendly place. It has seen many generations grow up, go to school, play in its fields, and become a part of its unique history.

Today, Ballycanew is a cosy rural village, surrounded by beautiful green fields and farms. It's a place where people know each other and there's always a friendly face around. It's a place with a past that's just as interesting as its present. And who knows, maybe you'll be a part of its future, too!

  1. What does the name Ballycanew mean in Irish?
  2. What kind of place was Ballycanew many years ago?
  3. What does the text say Ballycanew is like today?
  4. Why do you think the author says "maybe you'll be a part of its future, too"?
  5. If you could ask the people who lived in Ballycanew many years ago one question, what would it be and why?

All About Ballycanew

Ballycanew is a charming village in County Wexford, Ireland. It's not too big, but it's full of interesting things to see and do! There's Main Street, where you can find the local shops and the pretty St. Moling's Church.

The village is surrounded by lush green fields and beautiful countryside. If you're lucky, you might see some of Ireland's native animals like the red fox, rabbits, or even a badger. The fields are also home to lovely flowers like the wild rose and the bluebell.

Nearby, there's the River Bann, which quietly flows through the land. It's a great place to see ducks and other water-loving birds. If you prefer hills to rivers, there are also some small mountains nearby, offering great views of the village and the countryside.

In the centre of the village, you'll find the village green with its traditional cast-iron benches. It's a lovely spot to sit and enjoy a sunny day.

So you see, Ballycanew may be a small village, but it's a great place to explore and learn about nature, history, and Irish culture!.

  1. What are some of the native animals you might see in the fields around Ballycanew?
  2. Describe the geographical features of Ballycanew, including the River Bann and the nearby hills.
  3. Using a map, can you locate Ballycanew in County Wexford, Ireland? What notable landmarks can you find nearby?
  4. What is the significance of the village green in the centre of Ballycanew?
  5. Explore the area around Ballycanew yourself. What is one geographical feature or landmark you find interesting, and why?

My Family and Ballycanew

Hi there, my name is Gray! I'm 8 years old and I live in a wonderful place called Ballycanew in Co. Wexford. It's a small village but it's full of great things!

I live near Ballycanew Park. It's my favourite place to play with my friends. We love to climb trees and play hide and seek. There's also a cool castle close to us, it's called Ballycanew Castle! I sometimes imagine that I'm a brave knight protecting the castle.

There's a really big church called St. Moling's Church. It's as tall as a giant! I go there with my family on Sundays. It's really old and has beautiful stained glass windows.

The best part of living in Ballycanew is the people. Everyone is so friendly! My best friend, Jamie, lives just two doors down. We go to Ballycanew National School together. I love going to school because we learn a lot and have fun too!

There's so much more I want to tell you about Ballycanew but I'll save that for another time. I hope you enjoyed my little blog post about my life in Ballycanew!

  1. What is Gray's favourite place to play in Ballycanew and why?
  2. Who does Gray imagine being when near Ballycanew Castle?
  3. What is the name of the church Gray goes to and what does it look like?
  4. What does Gray love about going to school?
  5. Who is Gray's best friend and where does he live?

The Logainm of Ballycanew

Ballycanew is a small village in County Wexford, Ireland. The name 'Ballycanew' is an English version of the Irish 'Baile na Cana', which means 'town of the reeds'. Long ago, this area was full of wetlands and marshes, where reeds grew in abundance. These reeds were important to the people living there. They used them to make thatched roofs for their houses. So, the name Ballycanew gives us a tiny glimpse into the past life of its people and their environment.

Over time, the landscape has changed. The marshes dried up, and reeds are not as common anymore. Yet, the name Ballycanew lives on, reminding us of its history. Today, Ballycanew is a vibrant village with shops, schools, and houses, but if you listen closely, its name whispers a story of a time when it was a 'town of the reeds'.

  1. What does the name 'Ballycanew' mean in English?
  2. Why was the village named 'Ballycanew' or 'town of the reeds'?
  3. How were reeds important to the people of Ballycanew in the past?
  4. How has the landscape of Ballycanew changed over time?
  5. Why is it important to remember the history behind the name of a place?

Slideshow - Ballycanew
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Ballycanew