Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Ballyboden Dublin 60 minutes Books about Dublin's history, Internet access, Map of Dublin Introduce the topic by discussing the history of Ballyboden Dublin, focusing on the logainm of the placename. 1. Group Discussion about the history. 2. Research activity on the origin of the placename. 3. Drawing activity illustrating the historical events of the area. Recap of what was learned and sharing of drawings. Assess children's understanding through their participation in discussions and the accuracy of their drawings.
2: Notable Person from Ballyboden Dublin 60 minutes Internet access, Biography of the notable person Introduce the notable person from the area or nearby. 1. Reading activity about the person's life. 2. Role-play activity of a day in the life of the person. 3. Writing activity about the person's contributions. Recap of the person's life and contributions. Assess understanding through the role-play and written tasks.
3: Geography of Ballyboden Dublin 60 minutes Maps of the area, Internet access, Compass Discuss the natural geography of the area. 1. Map reading activity. 2. Nature walk to explore the geography. 3. Drawing activity of the geographical features. Discussion on the importance of understanding geography. Assess understanding through map reading and drawing tasks.
4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Blank maps, Pencils, Rulers Discuss the importance of maps and how to read them. 1. Map drawing activity. 2. Locating landmarks on the map. 3. Giving directions using the map. Discussion on the importance of map reading skills. Assess understanding through map drawing and direction giving tasks.
5: Biodiversity of Ballyboden Dublin 60 minutes Field guides, Notebooks, Pencils Introduction to biodiversity and its importance. 1. Nature walk to observe biodiversity. 2. Cataloging different species found. 3. Discussing ways to protect local biodiversity. Discussion on the importance of protecting biodiversity. Assess understanding through the cataloging task and protection strategies discussion.
6: Visual Arts Inspired by Ballyboden Dublin 60 minutes Art supplies, Pictures of local landmarks Discuss how the local area can inspire art. 1. Choosing a local landmark to draw. 2. Creating the artwork. 3. Sharing and discussing the artwork. Discussion on how the local area can inspire creativity. Assess understanding through the creation and discussion of the artwork.