Welcome to Ballybeg

Ballybeg is a lovely townland in the beautiful county of Clare, Ireland. It's a place full of stories and charm. Did you know that Ballybeg means 'small town' in Irish?

Many, many years ago, before your great-grandparents were born, Ballybeg was a small farming community, just like many other places in Ireland. The people grew crops, raised animals and lived simple lives.

One exciting story from Ballybeg's history is about the Great Famine, a sad time in Ireland when potatoes, the main food, got a terrible disease. Many people were hungry and struggling. But the strong people of Ballybeg worked together and helped each other survive these tough times. They shared what little food they had, and their kindness helped many families get through the famine.

Today, Ballybeg is a peaceful place with green fields and friendly people. It's a town that remembers its past and looks forward to the future. The people of Ballybeg are proud of their history and continue to live in harmony with nature, just like their ancestors did. So, Ballybeg may be a 'small town', but it has a big heart!

  1. What does Ballybeg mean in Irish?
  2. What was Ballybeg like many years ago?
  3. What happened during the Great Famine?
  4. How did the people of Ballybeg respond to the challenges of the Great Famine?
  5. Why can we say that even though Ballybeg is a 'small town', it has a big heart?

All About Ballybeg

Ballybeg is a lovely little place in County Clare, Ireland. It's surrounded by green fields where cows, sheep, and sometimes even horses can be seen grazing. You might even spot a fox or a rabbit hopping around, while overhead, birds like blackbirds and robins sing their songs.

Ballybeg isn't a big city with tall buildings and busy roads. Instead, it has small, friendly streets where people know each other. One of the most popular is Main Street, where you can find the local shop and post office.

The most beautiful part of Ballybeg, though, is the River Fergus. This sparkling river flows right near the village, and it's home to fishes like salmon and trout. Sometimes, you can see people fishing there!

In the distance, you can spot the rolling Burren mountains. They're not too tall, but they're covered in a special type of grass only found in Ireland. If you're lucky, you might even find a four-leaf clover!

So, Ballybeg isn't just a place on a map. It's a magical spot filled with friendly faces, lovely animals, and beautiful nature. It's a wonderful place to learn and grow up.

  1. What are some of the animals you might see in Ballybeg?
  2. Describe the River Fergus and its significance to Ballybeg?
  3. What is unique about the Burren mountains?
  4. Using a map, can you identify the location of Ballybeg in County Clare, Ireland?
  5. Explore Ballybeg or your local area. Can you find something of geographical interest? Write about what you discovered.

My Family and Ballybeg

Hi, I'm Lee! I'm 8 years old and I live in Ballybeg, Co. Clare. I love where I live because it's full of interesting places. My favourite spot is the Ballybeg Tower. It's really old and tall, and I like to imagine that it was once a castle where knights and princesses lived.

There's also a wonderful place called the Burren. It's not like anywhere else. There are lots of rocks and flowers, and I like to climb and explore, but I have to be careful because it's a special place and we don't want to damage it.

Another thing I enjoy is going to the beach. Spanish Point is really close and I love building sandcastles and looking for shells. The sea can be wild and loud, but it's fun to watch. I also like to spot dolphins, they are so playful and happy. I wish I could swim as well as they do!

Sometimes, when it’s a clear night, I like to look at the stars. The sky here in Ballybeg is so clear and bright. I even saw a shooting star once! Living here is like being in an adventure every day. I can’t wait to grow up here and see what else I’ll discover!

  1. Describe what you imagine the Ballybeg Tower looked like when it was a castle.
  2. Why is it important to be careful when exploring the Burren?
  3. What do you like the most about going to Spanish Point beach?
  4. How does watching the dolphins make you feel?
  5. What would you wish for if you saw another shooting star?

The Logainm of Ballybeg

Ballybeg is a special place in County Clare, Ireland. The name 'Ballybeg' comes from two Irish words - 'Baile' which means town, and 'Beag' which means small. So, 'Ballybeg' means 'Small Town' in English. Isn't it fun to learn about word meanings in different languages?

Now, let's go back in time. Long, long ago, Ireland was full of small towns. Each town had its own name in the Irish language. Ballybeg was one of them. But then, people from other countries came to Ireland and didn't understand the Irish language. So, they started using English names. But some places, like Ballybeg, kept their Irish names because they were special.

Fast forward to today, we still call this town Ballybeg. It might not be a big city with tall buildings, but it's a warm and welcoming little town with a big heart. Remember, no matter how small, every place has its own story to tell, just like Ballybeg!

  1. What does the name 'Ballybeg' mean in English?
  2. What are the two Irish words that make up the name 'Ballybeg'?
  3. Why did some places in Ireland, like Ballybeg, keep their Irish names?
  4. What can we learn from the story of Ballybeg?
  5. Can you think of another place that might have an interesting story behind its name?

Slideshow - Ballybeg
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Ballybeg