Welcome to Ballina

Ballina is a special townland in County Tipperary, Ireland. This place is not just beautiful but it also has some interesting stories from the past.

The name "Ballina" comes from the Irish language, 'Béal Átha na', which means 'mouth of the ford'. A ford is a shallow place in a river where people can cross, and long, long ago before there were any bridges, people used to cross the River Shannon here.

One of the most exciting things about Ballina is that it's home to an ancient castle! About 800 years ago, a powerful family called the O'Briens built a castle here to protect their lands. Imagine living in a castle with tall towers and thick stone walls!

Over the years, Ballina has grown and changed. It used to be a quiet farming village, but now it's a lively town full of friendly people. It's a popular place for fishing and boating, especially during the summer.

So, Ballina may be a small townland, but its history is as deep as the River Shannon it sits beside. Always remember, every place has a story, even the smallest townland in Ireland.

  1. What does the name "Ballina" mean in the Irish language?
  2. What is a ford?
  3. Who built the castle in Ballina and why?
  4. How has Ballina changed over the years?
  5. Why do you think it's important to know the history of a place like Ballina?

All About Ballina

Ballina, a beautiful town in County Tipperary, is a place full of amazing sights, plants, animals, and even rivers! It's like stepping into a wonderful storybook.

One of the first things you might notice in Ballina is the River Shannon. It's the longest river in Ireland! Imagine a ribbon stretching 360 kilometers (that's 224 miles) long. That's how long the Shannon is. Boats often float down this river, and you can spot fish like salmon splashing in the water.

Ballina is also home to an exciting variety of animals. You might see badgers, hares, and even red squirrels scurrying around. If you look up, you might see a buzzard soaring high in the sky.

As for plants, Ballina is surrounded by lush green fields and forests. You would find oak and ash trees, and beautiful flowers like bluebells and daffodils.

In the town itself, you'll find Main Street. It's the heart of Ballina, with shops, cafes, and more. There's also a beautiful church called Our Lady and St. Lua's, which has a tall spire that reaches up to the sky.

So, Ballina is a place full of nature's beauty and friendly town life. Maybe one day you can visit and see it all for yourself!.

  1. What is the name of the longest river in Ireland, and how long is it?
  2. List some of the animals and plants you might find in Ballina.
  3. What is the name of the main street in Ballina and what can you find there?
  4. Using a map, can you locate Ballina in County Tipperary? What other towns or landmarks are nearby?
  5. Plan a field trip to Ballina. What areas of geographical interest would you like to visit? Write down your plan.

My Family and Ballina

Hi there! My name's Kelsey and I'm 8 years old. I live in a really cool place called Ballina in Co. Tipperary. Do you know what's super awesome about Ballina? We have the coolest bridge ever, it's called Killaloe Bridge. It's really big and long, and when I stand in the middle, I can see the River Shannon flowing underneath. It's like a big, moving mirror!

And guess what? There's also a castle here, well, it's actually called a tower, but I think it's a castle. It's called The Lookout and it's really, really tall. I like to imagine it's my secret fort.

I also love going to Ballina Riverside Park. There's a playground and lots of grass and trees. I like to climb the trees - but don't tell my Mum!

Living in Ballina is pretty exciting, I can't wait to tell you more about my adventures here. Bye for now!

  1. What is the name of the bridge in Ballina?
  2. How does Kelsey describe the River Shannon?
  3. What does Kelsey imagine The Lookout to be?
  4. What activities does Kelsey enjoy at Ballina Riverside Park?
  5. What does Kelsey find exciting about living in Ballina?

The Logainm of Ballina

Ballina is a lovely little town in County Tipperary, Ireland. Its name in Irish is Béal an Átha, which means "mouth of the ford". A ford is a place where people used to cross rivers before we had bridges. So, Ballina was an important spot for travelers a long time ago.

The name Ballina has a rich history. Back in the olden days, people used to travel by foot or horse, and they needed to cross rivers to get where they were going. They would look for a ford, a shallow part of the river, to cross safely. The 'mouth of the ford' would have been a busy place, full of people and animals.

Today, Ballina is still a special place. It's a town full of friendly people, beautiful landscapes, and a river that still flows just as it did hundreds of years ago. Even though we now have bridges to cross the river, the name Ballina reminds us of how people used to travel in the past.

  1. What does the name Ballina mean in English?
  2. Why was a ford important for travelers in the past?
  3. How did people cross rivers before there were bridges?
  4. Why do you think the town was named after a ford?
  5. How does the name Ballina connect the town to its history?

Slideshow - Ballina
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Ballina