Welcome to Balfeddock

Balfeddock is a lovely townland tucked away in the green heart of County Meath. It might seem like a quiet place now, but let's travel back in time to see what Balfeddock was like many years ago!

In the olden days, people didn't have fancy houses, they lived in simple huts made of wood and straw. Balfeddock was full of these huts, creating little villages. The people were farmers who grew crops and raised animals like cows and sheep.

Now, Balfeddock may not have castles or famous battles, but it tells us a lot about how everyday people lived long ago. They worked together to take care of their farms, helped each other in times of need, and celebrated the harvest with big feasts and games.

Imagine living there, waking up to the sound of roosters crowing and going to bed with the smell of fresh hay. Although life was hard, the people of Balfeddock enjoyed simple pleasures like storytelling, music, and dance.

Balfeddock's history might not be full of thrilling tales, but its story is like a gentle river, slowly shaping the land and the people living on it. It reminds us that every place, no matter how small, has its own unique story to tell.

  1. What kind of houses did people live in Balfeddock many years ago?
  2. What were the main jobs of the people in Balfeddock in the past?
  3. What were some of the simple pleasures that the people of Balfeddock enjoyed?
  4. Why do you think the people of Balfeddock helped each other in times of need?
  5. If you lived in Balfeddock long ago, what kind of activities would you like to do? Explain why.

All About Balfeddock

Welcome to the magical world of Balfeddock in County Meath, kids! Balfeddock is a charming place filled with lots of fun things to explore. It doesn't have mountains, but it has plenty of gently rolling hills perfect for picnics and games of tag. There are also many lush and green fields where you might spot cows and sheep grazing lazily.

The River Boyne flows through the area, wiggling and winding its way like a playful snake. It's home to all sorts of water creatures like fish, frogs, and sometimes you can even spot a playful otter!

Have you ever seen a Fairy Tree? Balfeddock has plenty! These are old, special trees believed to be homes of the fairy folk. They are often hawthorn trees and are easy to spot with their beautiful white blossom in spring and red berries in autumn.

Balfeddock's main street is filled with colorful houses and shops where you can find delicious treats. You'll also see plenty of old-style lampposts lining the streets that light up like twinkling stars at night.

So, ready for an adventure? Balfeddock is waiting for you to explore its hills, river, fairy trees, and charming streets!.

  1. What types of landscapes can you find in Balfeddock?
  2. What kind of wildlife might you see in the River Boyne?
  3. What are the characteristics of a Fairy Tree and when are they easiest to spot?
  4. Using a map of Balfeddock, can you identify the path of the River Boyne and the location of the main street?
  5. Go on a mini adventure around your local area. Can you find something of geographical interest? What is it and why did it catch your attention?

My Family and Balfeddock

Hi, I'm Izzie and I'm 8 years old. I live in a magical place called Balfeddock in Co. Meath. It’s not famous like Dublin, but it’s special to me.

One of the best things about Balfeddock is the big, old castle. It’s so cool! I pretend I'm a knight or princess when I play there. Sometimes, my friends and I have pretend battles and races around the castle.

There's a really old tree near my house too. It's so big, I think it must be a thousand years old. My dad built a tree house there, and I love to climb up and look at the amazing view of Balfeddock.

My favorite place is the river. We have picnics there in the summer. I like to watch the ducks and swans. Sometimes, we even see a heron! It's always so peaceful and beautiful there.

So, that's a little bit about my life in Balfeddock. I feel lucky to grow up here. It's filled with wonderful places and I can't wait to explore more of it!

  1. What is your favorite part about living in Balfeddock?
  2. Can you describe what the old tree near my house looks like?
  3. How would you feel if you had a castle to play in?
  4. What kinds of animals have you seen at a river?
  5. Can you imagine what it would be like to have a picnic by the river in summer?

The Logainm of Balfeddock

Balfeddock is a charming place in County Meath, Ireland. The word 'Balfeddock' is an English translation of a very old Irish name. In Irish, it's called 'Baile Feadóg', which means 'Town of the Whistle'. This name may have come from a time when people used whistles to communicate across the wide, open fields. It's a bit like how we use phones to talk to each other today!

Many years ago, before there were roads and cars, people in Ireland often named places after things they could see or hear. They did this to help them remember where things were. So, when they heard a whistle, they knew they were near Balfeddock, or 'Baile Feadóg' in Irish.

Today, Balfeddock may not be filled with the sound of whistles, but it carries the history of its name. The people who live there now know the story behind the name and they share it with visitors, keeping the history alive. It's a wonderful way of connecting the past with the present.

  1. What is the English translation of 'Baile Feadóg'?
  2. Why do you think places were named after things people could see or hear?
  3. How did people in the past know they were near Balfeddock?
  4. How do the people of Balfeddock keep their history alive today?
  5. Can you think of any other places that have interesting names and what they might mean?

Slideshow - Balfeddock
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Balfeddock