Lesson Plan Details
Lesson 1: Introduction to Ava Gardner Time allocation: 40 minutes
Resources needed: Photos of Ava Gardner, world map, biography handout
Introduction: Briefly introduce Ava Gardner and explain that she was a famous actress. Show photos and locate her birthplace on a map.
Development: Read a short biography of Ava Gardner aloud. Discuss with the class when and where she lived, and what she is famous for. (Objective 1)
Conclusion: Recap key points learned about Ava Gardner.
Assessment: Ask students to write a few sentences about who Ava Gardner is and what she is known for.
Lesson 2: Ava Gardner's Contributions to Society Time allocation: 40 minutes
Resources needed: Clips from Ava Gardner's movies, internet access for research
Introduction: Show a short clip from one of Ava Gardner's famous movies.
Development: Discuss how Ava Gardner's work as an actress impacted society and culture during her time. Divide students into groups to research different aspects of her influence. (Objective 2)
Conclusion: Groups present their findings to the class.
Assessment: Participation in group research and presentation.
Lesson 3: Ava Gardner's Impact on Today Time allocation: 40 minutes
Resources needed: Articles or videos on Ava Gardner's lasting impact, discussion questions
Introduction: Discuss how some famous people continue to influence the world long after their time.
Development: Read a modern article or watch a video about Ava Gardner's lasting impact. Discuss how her work has influenced actors and actresses today. (Objective 2)
Conclusion: Summarize the discussion points.
Assessment: Ask students to write a paragraph on how Ava Gardner's work still influences the world today.
Lesson 4: Connecting Ava Gardner to Our Lives Time allocation: 40 minutes
Resources needed: Chart paper, markers
Introduction: Ask students to think about their favorite actors or actresses and how they influence their lives.
Development: Discuss how Ava Gardner might have influenced their favorite modern actors. Create a class chart showing connections between Ava Gardner and modern culture. (Objective 3)
Conclusion: Reflect on the chart and discuss any surprises.
Assessment: Participation in discussion and contribution to the chart.
Lesson 5: Creating a Timeline of Ava Gardner's Life Time allocation: 40 minutes
Resources needed: Timeline templates, markers, biography handout
Introduction: Review key events from Ava Gardner's life.
Development: Provide students with a timeline template. Have them fill in important dates and events from her life based on the biography. (Objective 4)
Conclusion: Display completed timelines around the classroom.
Assessment: Accuracy and completion of the timeline.
Lesson 6: Reflecting on Ava Gardner's Legacy Time allocation: 40 minutes
Resources needed: Essay prompt, paper, pencils
Introduction: Discuss what a legacy is and why it is important.
Development: Ask students to write an essay on Ava Gardner's legacy and how she might be remembered in the future. (Objectives 2 and 3)
Conclusion: Share essays with the class, if time permits.
Assessment: Quality and thoughtfulness of the essay.