Lesson 1: Basic Geography of Austria
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: World map, Austria map, colored pencils, worksheets

- Show a world map and locate Austria.
- Discuss the neighboring countries of Austria.

- Provide each student with a blank Austria map and colored pencils.
- Instruct students to label the major cities, rivers, and mountains of Austria.
- Discuss the significance of these geographical features.
- Use worksheets to reinforce learning.

- Review the key points covered in the lesson.
- Allow students to share their completed maps and explain their choices.

- Evaluate student understanding through class participation and completed worksheets.
Lesson 2: Facts about Vienna
Time Allocation: 40 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of Vienna landmarks, index cards, markers

- Show pictures of Vienna landmarks and ask students if they recognize any.
- Discuss the importance of Vienna as the capital city of Austria.

- Provide each student with an index card.
- Instruct students to research and write down three interesting facts about Vienna.
- Encourage creativity and use of visuals.
- Allow students to present their findings to the class.

- Summarize the main facts shared by students.
- Discuss the significance of these facts in relation to Vienna.

- Evaluate student understanding through their ability to present accurate facts about Vienna.
Lesson 3: Famous Landmark in Austria
Time Allocation: 35 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of Austrian landmarks, chart paper, markers

- Show pictures of various Austrian landmarks and ask students if they recognize any.
- Discuss the importance of landmarks in promoting tourism.

- Divide the class into small groups.
- Assign each group a different Austrian landmark outside of Vienna.
- Instruct groups to create a poster showcasing their assigned landmark.
- Encourage creativity and use of descriptive language.
- Allow groups to present their posters to the class.

- Discuss the significance of each landmark in relation to Austria's cultural heritage.
- Highlight the diversity of attractions in Austria.

- Evaluate student understanding through group participation and the quality of their posters.
Lesson 4: Producing a Tour Guide for Austria
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Travel brochures, blank paper, markers

- Show examples of travel brochures and discuss their purpose.
- Explain that students will be creating their own tour guides for Austria.

- Provide each student with blank paper and markers.
- Instruct students to choose a specific region or city in Austria as their focus.
- Encourage students to research and include key attractions, activities, and cultural aspects.
- Allow students to design and write descriptions for their tour guides.
- Provide guidance and support as needed.

- Allow students to share their tour guides with the class.
- Discuss the diversity of attractions and experiences in Austria.

- Evaluate student understanding through the creativity and completeness of their tour guides.