Here's an example of how you could structure your lesson plans in HTML tables: ```html
Lesson Plan 1 Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
History of Athy Co. Kildare 60 minutes Books, Internet access, Projector Introduce students to the history of Athy Co. Kildare. Discuss its name origin and significance.
  1. Activity 1: Research and present on a significant historical event in Athy.
  2. Activity 2: Create a timeline of important events in the history of Athy.
  3. Activity 3: Role-play a historical event in Athy's history.
Summarize the key historical events and facts learned about Athy. Assess students based on their participation in activities and understanding of the history of Athy.
``` Remember to replace the comment with the rest of your lesson plans, formatted similarly.