Welcome to Athy

Athy is a lovely townland located in the county of Kildare, Ireland. The name 'Athy' comes from a second-century legend where a man named Ae, drowned while crossing the river, and so the name means "the ford of Ae."

Athy's history is full of exciting tales. It was established as a town by the Normans in the 12th century, which were people from the north part of France. They built a big, strong castle there to protect the town, known as Woodstock Castle. Imagine a towering castle with tall stone walls right in your town!

One of the most famous stories from Athy is about a man named Ernest Shackleton, who was born there in 1874. He was a brave adventurer who tried to reach the South Pole. Although he didn't make it, his journey was full of courage and determination. There's a cool museum in Athy dedicated to his adventures.

So, Athy may look like a quiet townland now, but it has a rich history full of brave knights, towering castles, and daring explorers. Isn't it amazing to learn about the past?

  1. What is the meaning of the name 'Athy'?
  2. Who established Athy as a town and when?
  3. Who is Ernest Shackleton and why is he famous?
  4. Why do you think the Normans built a castle in Athy?
  5. If you could ask Ernest Shackleton one question about his adventure, what would it be?

All About Athy

Athy is a charming little town in County Kildare, Ireland. The River Barrow, the second-longest river in Ireland, flows through Athy and is a favorite spot for fishing and boating. There are no tall mountains here, but the landscape is full of beautiful green fields and farms.

The main street of Athy is called Emily Square, named after Lady Emily Fitzgerald. Here you can see different types of shops, cafes, and even the Athy Heritage Centre-Museum, which is like a big treasure chest of the town's history!

Athy is also home to lots of plants and animals. In the fields, you might see animals like sheep and cows. There are even some rare birds like the Curlew and the Lapwing that visit the wetlands near Athy. If you look closely, you might spot wildflowers like the Yellow Flag Iris or the Marsh Marigold around the river.

One of the most important pieces of street furniture in Athy is the Athy water fountain in Emily Square. It's a really old fountain that was built more than 100 years ago! Isn't that cool? Athy is a wonderful place to explore and learn about nature and history!.

  1. What is the name of the second-longest river in Ireland that flows through Athy?
  2. Why is Emily Square significant in Athy?
  3. What types of wildlife can you find in the fields and wetlands near Athy?
  4. Using a map of Athy, identify and describe the geographical features that make this town unique.
  5. Visit Athy or research it online. Find one geographical feature not mentioned in the text and explain why it's interesting or important.

My Family and Athy

Hi, my name is Ollie and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Athy in County Kildare, Ireland. Athy is known for its big river called the River Barrow. I love throwing stones in the river and watching the ripples spread out. It's really fun!

We have a super interesting castle here, the White's Castle. It's pretty old, built in 1417, and I always imagine knights and princesses used to live there. Sometimes, my friends and I play make-believe where we're knights protecting the castle. Cool, isn't it?

A couple of minutes walk from my house is the Athy Heritage Centre. It's a museum with lots of old things from Athy's past. There's even a Titanic exhibition because Ernest Shackleton, an explorer who went to the South Pole, was born here!

Living in Athy is really fun and interesting. There's always something cool to see or do. I'm lucky to grow up here. Can't wait to share more about my little adventures in Athy!

  1. What is the name of the river in Athy?
  2. What do I sometimes pretend to be when I play near White's Castle?
  3. Who is Ernest Shackleton and why is he important to Athy?
  4. What are some of the things I like to do in Athy?
  5. Why do I feel lucky to grow up in Athy?

The Logainm of Athy

Athy is a cute little town in County Kildare, Ireland. The name 'Athy' comes from an old Irish word, 'Áth Í', which means 'the ford of Í'. A 'ford' is a shallow place in a river where people can safely cross over. The 'Í' part is named after a man called Í, who is a figure from Irish mythology.

In the old days, there was a big battle near Athy. Poor Í was killed in this battle. To remember him, people started to call the place where he died 'Áth Í'. Over time, 'Áth Í' changed into the easier-to-say name 'Athy'.

Today, Athy is a busy town with shops, schools, and fun things to do. But, every time we say 'Athy', we are also remembering Í and his story from long, long ago. So, even though it's now a modern town, Athy still carries a piece of its ancient history in its name.

  1. What does the name 'Athy' mean in English?
  2. What is a 'ford'?
  3. Who is 'Í' and why is he important in the name 'Athy'?
  4. How did the place name 'Áth Í' change over time?
  5. How does the modern town of Athy still remember its ancient history?

Slideshow - Athy
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Athy