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Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Athlumney 60 minutes Books, articles about Athlumney's history Introduction to Athlumney's history and its placename's origin Activity 1: Create a timeline of Athlumney's history.
Activity 2: Research the origin of the placename.
Activity 3: Write a short essay about the history.
Recap of the day's learnings. Review the timelines, essays and research findings.
2: Notable Person 60 minutes Biographies, articles about the notable person Introduction to the notable person from the area Activity 1: Create a biography poster about the person.
Activity 2: Role-play an interview with the person.
Activity 3: Write an essay about the person's impact on the area.
Highlight the person's contributions to the area. Review the posters, role-plays and essays.
3: Natural Geography 60 minutes Maps, images of local geography Introduction to the natural geography of Athlumney Activity 1: Identify geographical features on a map.
Activity 2: Class walk to observe local geography.
Activity 3: Create a model of the local geography.
Discuss the importance of the local geography to Athlumney. Review map skills, observational notes and models.
4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Blank maps, pencils, rulers Introduction to mapping skills Activity 1: Draw a map of Athlumney.
Activity 2: Use a map to navigate a route through Athlumney.
Activity 3: Compare and contrast old and new maps of the area.
Discuss the importance of maps and how they have changed over time. Review maps drawn, navigation skills and comparison discussions.
5: Biodiversity 60 minutes Field guides, notebooks, pencils Introduction to local biodiversity Activity 1: Nature walk to observe local biodiversity.
Activity 2: Identify local flora and fauna.
Activity 3: Discuss ways to protect local biodiversity.
Highlight the importance of preserving biodiversity. Review observational notes, identification skills and discussion contributions.
6: Visual Arts 60 minutes Art supplies Introduction to using local area as art inspiration Activity 1: Sketch a local landmark.
Activity 2: Create a collage using natural materials.
Activity 3: Paint a landscape of Athlumney.
Discuss how local area can inspire creativity. Review sketches, collages and paintings.
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