Welcome to Athlumney

Athlumney is a special place in County Meath, Ireland. It's not just because of its lovely green fields and friendly people, but also because it has a fascinating history.

Long, long ago, before your great-great-great-grandparents were even born, there was a beautiful castle in Athlumney. This castle was built in the 1400s! That's about 600 years ago! Can you imagine living in a castle? That's what the D'Alton family did.

There's a famous story about this castle. In 1649, during a war, the owner didn't want his castle to be taken by the enemy. So, guess what he did? He set his own castle on fire! Can you believe that? He preferred to see his castle in flames rather than let it be captured.

Today, you can still see the ruins of the Athlumney Castle, reminding us of its fiery past. The townland of Athlumney is a place that tells a tale of courage and pride. Next time when you visit, don't forget to imagine what life was like living in a castle hundreds of years ago!

  1. What is special about Athlumney in County Meath, Ireland?
  2. Who lived in the castle in Athlumney in the 1400s?
  3. What did the owner of the castle do in 1649 and why?
  4. Why do you think the story of the castle's destruction is important to the history of Athlumney?
  5. How would you feel if you lived in a castle? What would be different from your life now?

All About Athlumney

Athlumney is a lovely and exciting place in County Meath, Ireland. It's not too far from the River Boyne, one of the longest rivers in Ireland. The river is like a long, winding snake that flows gently through the countryside. If you're lucky, you might spot some ducks or swans swimming peacefully in it!

In Athlumney, you'll find many beautiful trees and flowers. The area is a home for various birds and insects. You might even see a few squirrels scampering about! In the spring, the cherry blossom trees are a beautiful sight with their pink flowers.

There aren't any mountains in Athlumney, but there are lots of lovely green fields and parks. One of the best things about Athlumney is the Athlumney Castle. The castle is very old and has lots of exciting stories to tell.

Athlumney is full of friendly people and lovely homes. The streets are lined with pretty houses, and there are lots of fun play areas for kids. Some notable streets include Athlumney Wood and Athlumney Abbey, which are named after the nearby castle.

Isn't Athlumney a fascinating place to explore?.

  1. What is the name of the river that is near Athlumney?
  2. Describe the flora and fauna you can find in Athlumney.
  3. What is special about the Athlumney Castle?
  4. Using a map, find Athlumney Wood and Athlumney Abbey. How far are they from the Athlumney Castle?
  5. Go on a local exploration of Athlumney. Can you find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text? Describe what you found.

My Family and Athlumney

Hi, I'm Niall and I'm 8 years old. I live in Athlumney, Co. Meath and it's a really cool place. My house is near Athlumney Castle and that's pretty awesome! The castle is so old, it was built in the 1400s! Sometimes, I pretend I'm a knight defending it.

There's also a beautiful park called Navan's Ramparts where I play football with my friends. The park is so big, sometimes we have picnics there. I love lying on the grass and looking at the sky, it’s very relaxing.

One more place I like is the River Boyne. It's really long and flows right by Athlumney. My dad and I often go fishing there. We've caught some big ones! I love living here. I'm learning something new every day and I'm excited to see what's next!

  1. Who is the main character in this blog post and where does he/she live?
  2. What are some things Niall likes to do in Athlumney, Co. Meath?
  3. How does Niall feel about living near Athlumney Castle?
  4. What does Niall do at the River Boyne?
  5. Why do you think Niall enjoys living in Athlumney, Co. Meath?

The Logainm of Athlumney

Athlumney is a special place in County Meath, Ireland. Its name comes from two Irish words: "Ath" meaning a ford, a shallow spot in a river where people can cross, and "Loman," which is the name of a saint. So, Athlumney means "Loman's ford."

Long, long time ago, there was a saint named Loman who helped spread Christianity in Ireland. The spot where Saint Loman used to cross the river became known as Athlumney.

Today, Athlumney is full of beautiful homes, schools, and parks. It's a bustling community where people live, work, and play. Even though it's modern now, it still holds onto its history. So when you hear the name Athlumney, you'll remember the story of Saint Loman and his important journey across the river.

  1. What does the word "Ath" mean in Irish?
  2. Who was Loman and why is he important to the name Athlumney?
  3. What does Athlumney mean in English?
  4. How has Athlumney changed from the past to the present?
  5. Why do you think it's important to remember the history of a place's name?

Slideshow - Athlumney
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Athlumney