Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1. History of Athlone Co. Westmeath 1 hour History books, Internet Access, Videos about Athlone Introduce the history of Athlone and its logainm 1. Discuss the origin of the placename Athlone. 2. Watch a video about the history of Athlone. 3. Activity: Create a timeline of Athlone's history. Summarize the key historical events of Athlone Assess the timeline created by the students
2. Notable Person: John Count McCormack 1 hour Biography of John Count McCormack, Internet Access Introduce John Count McCormack, a notable person from the area 1. Discuss the life and accomplishments of McCormack. 2. Listen to some of his music. 3. Activity: Write a short biography of McCormack. Summarize the importance of McCormack's contributions Assess the biography written by the students
3. Geography of Athlone Co. Westmeath 1 hour Maps, Internet Access Introduce the natural geography of Athlone 1. Discuss the natural features of Athlone. 2. Look at maps of the area. 3. Activity: Draw your own map of Athlone. Summarize the geographical features of Athlone Assess the maps created by the students
4. Mapping Skills 1 hour Blank Maps, Colored Pencils Introduce the concept of mapping 1. Discuss how to read a map. 2. Practice mapping skills with a blank map of Athlone. 3. Activity: Create your own map key. Summarize the importance of mapping and how to read maps Assess the map key created by the students
5. Biodiversity in Athlone Co. Westmeath 1 hour Internet Access, Local Flora and Fauna Guides Introduce the concept of biodiversity 1. Discuss the local flora and fauna. 2. Discuss the importance of biodiversity. 3. Activity: Create a poster about protecting the biodiversity of Athlone. Summarize the importance of biodiversity and how to protect it Assess the poster created by the students
6. Visual Arts: Creating Art Inspired by Athlone 1 hour Art Supplies Introduce the idea of using the local area as a stimulus for art 1. Discuss the beauty of Athlone. 2. Look at art inspired by local areas. 3. Activity: Create your own piece of art inspired by Athlone. Summarize the importance of using local areas as inspiration for art Assess the artwork created by the students