Welcome to Aston Village

Aston Village is a small but lovely townland located in the county of Louth, Ireland. It's not known for any big historical events, but it has its own charming history that tells us about how people lived in the past.

Aston Village, just like many other places in Ireland, has been home to people for hundreds of years! It was once full of farmland, where people grew crops and raised animals. These farmers were very important because they provided food for the people living in and around Aston Village.

Today, Aston Village has changed a lot from its farming past. It's now a bustling residential area, where families live and children play. But if you look closely, you can still see some of the old stone walls and buildings that remind us of its history. It's like a living storybook!

Remember, even if a place like Aston Village doesn't have a famous historical event, it doesn't mean it's not important. Every townland, village, or city has its own unique story to tell, and they all contribute to the rich tapestry of history. So, next time when you visit Aston Village or any other place, try to imagine what life was like there in the past!

  1. What was Aston Village once full of?
  2. What has Aston Village changed into today?
  3. What can you still see in Aston Village that reminds us of its history?
  4. Why do you think it's important to remember the history of places like Aston Village even if they don't have any famous historical events?
  5. If you visited Aston Village, what are some things you might imagine about what life was like there in the past?

All About Aston Village

Aston Village is a bright and lively place in County Louth, Ireland. It's not too big but it's packed with lots of exciting things to see and do. The village is criss-crossed by tidy little streets, with Forest Park Drive being one of the most notable ones. This street takes you straight into the heart of the village, where you'll find a playground, a community centre, and even a football pitch!

Aston Village is a green haven, with plenty of trees, flowers and grassy areas. An array of birds, squirrels and other small animals can often be spotted in the gardens and parks. A special feature of the area is the locally known "Fairy Tree", a magnificent old tree that is said to be a favourite spot for the fairies!

There aren't any big mountains or rivers in Aston Village, but it's surrounded by gentle rolling hills and lush farmlands which are a part of Ireland's rich natural beauty. The village also has several green spaces for playing and exploring, making it a lovely place for kids like you to grow up in.

Next time you're out and about in Aston Village, try to spot some of these features and see what else you can discover!

  1. What is one of the notable streets in Aston Village and where does it lead to?
  2. Describe the "Fairy Tree" and its significance in Aston Village.
  3. What kind of animals can you spot in the gardens and parks of Aston Village?
  4. Using a map of Aston Village, can you identify where the community centre and football pitch are located?
  5. Next time you visit Aston Village, explore the area and find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text. What is it and why did it catch your interest?

My Family and Aston Village

Hi there! I'm Oakley and I'm 8 years old. I live in this really cool place called Aston Village in Co. Louth. My house is super close to a big, lovely park! Every day, I see lots of dogs playing and children having fun there. It makes me super happy!

One of my favourite things about Aston Village is our old church, St. Peter's. It's so old and grand! Sometimes, I imagine it as a castle from a storybook. It's fun to think about knights and princesses living there long, long ago.

There's also a lot of green fields around my village. My friends and I love to run around and play hide-and-seek among the tall grass. We pretend we're explorers in a jungle, it's so much fun!

The people in Aston Village are really nice too. Everyone knows everyone, and they always have a smile to share. I love it when we have village fairs or picnics. It's like a big family gathering!

So, that's a little about me and my life in Aston Village. I think it's the best place to grow up!

  1. What does Oakley enjoy doing in the park near their house?
  2. Why does Oakley find St. Peter's Church interesting?
  3. What games do Oakley and their friends play in the fields around the village?
  4. How does Oakley describe the people in Aston Village?
  5. Why does Oakley think Aston Village is the best place to grow up?

The Logainm of Aston Village

Aston Village is a special place in County Louth, a part of Ireland. Its name, 'Aston Village,' has a fun meaning in English. 'Aston' comes from an old English word 'East Tun' which means 'East Farm.' So, think of Aston Village as a big farm in the east! Isn't that cool?

Many years ago, English people came to Ireland and named places in their language. That's why Aston, a common English name, is found in Ireland. Although it's not a farm today, the name reminds us of the farming history of Ireland.

Today, Aston Village isn't a farm but a vibrant community with homes, schools, and parks. The name 'Aston Village' is a bridge between the past and present, reminding us of its farm-filled past while we live our modern lives. So, next time you hear Aston Village, remember it's not just a place, it's a story of history!

  1. What is the meaning of 'Aston' in English?
  2. Why do you think English people named places in Ireland?
  3. What does Aston Village remind us of with its name?
  4. How is the name 'Aston Village' a bridge between the past and present?
  5. Can you think of any other place names that might have a fun meaning like Aston Village?

Slideshow - Aston Village
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Aston Village