Lesson 1: Story of Ascension Day
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Bible stories book, pictures of Ascension Day
Introduction: Introduce the concept of Ascension Day and explain its significance in Christianity.
Development: Read and discuss the story of Jesus' ascension with the class. Explore key events and characters.
Conclusion: Summarize the story and encourage students to ask questions.
Assessment: Ask students to retell the story in their own words.

Lesson 2: Symbols and Traditions
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Craft materials, images of symbols
Introduction: Discuss the symbols and traditions associated with Ascension Day.
Development: Create crafts representing symbols like doves or clouds.
Conclusion: Display and explain the significance of the crafts.
Assessment: Ask students to explain the meaning of the symbols used.

Lesson 3: Connecting to Daily Life
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Paper, pens
Introduction: Discuss how the teachings of Ascension Day can be applied in daily life.
Development: Have students write about a time when they felt uplifted or inspired.
Conclusion: Share and discuss the stories written by students.
Assessment: Assess students' written reflections for understanding and connection.

Lesson 4: Exploring Concepts
Time Allocation: 50 minutes
Resources Needed: Whiteboard, markers
Introduction: Brainstorm and introduce key concepts related to Ascension Day.
Development: Create mind maps or diagrams to visually represent concepts like heaven or eternity.
Conclusion: Discuss the created visuals and ensure understanding.
Assessment: Evaluate students' participation and understanding during the concept exploration.

Lesson 5: Storytelling and Drama
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Costumes, props
Introduction: Explain the importance of storytelling and drama in conveying messages.
Development: Divide the class into groups and have them act out the story of Ascension Day.
Conclusion: Perform the skits and discuss the experience and lessons learned.
Assessment: Evaluate students' participation and engagement in the drama activity.

Lesson 6: Reflecting on Ascension Day
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Journals or reflection sheets
Introduction: Encourage students to reflect on the significance of Ascension Day in their own lives.
Development: Allow time for silent reflection and journaling about personal thoughts on ascension.
Conclusion: Discuss the reflections shared (optional) and emphasize the importance of personal connection.
Assessment: Review students' reflections for depth and personal connection to the topic.