Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1. History: Ardroe Co. Limerick 60 minutes Books and internet resources on Ardroe history, paper, pencil Introduction to the history of Ardroe and the origin of its name
  • Discuss the history of Ardroe's name
  • Research the history of Ardroe
  • Write a summary of what they learned
Recap the main points of Ardroe's history and its name's origin Review the summaries written by the students
2. History: Notable Person 60 minutes Books and internet resources on notable person, paper, pencil Introduction to a notable person from the Ardroe area or nearby
  • Discuss the life and achievements of the notable person
  • Research more about the person
  • Write a biography of the person
Recap the main points of the notable person's life and achievements Review the biographies written by the students
3. Geography: Natural Geography 60 minutes Maps of Ardroe, books and internet resources on geography, paper, pencil Introduction to the natural geography of Ardroe
  • Discuss the rivers, mountains, lakes, and beaches of Ardroe
  • Research more about Ardroe's natural geography
  • Draw a map of Ardroe highlighting its natural features
Recap the main points of Ardroe's natural geography Review the maps drawn by the students
4. Geography: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Blank maps of Ardroe, rulers, pencils Introduction to mapping skills and the geography of Ardroe
  • Discuss the importance of mapping skills
  • Practice mapping skills by drawing their own map of Ardroe
  • Share and discuss their maps with the class
Recap the main points of mapping skills and their importance Review the maps drawn by the students
5. Biodiversity: Protecting the Local Area 60 minutes Books and internet resources on biodiversity, paper, pencil Introduction to biodiversity and the importance of protecting it
  • Discuss the biodiversity in Ardroe
  • Research ways to protect Ardroe's biodiversity
  • Create a plan to protect Ardroe's biodiversity
Recap the main points of biodiversity and its importance Review the plans created by the students
6. Visual Arts: Local Area as Inspiration 60 minutes Art supplies, pictures of Ardroe Introduction to using the local area as inspiration for art
  • Discuss how artists use their surroundings as inspiration
  • Create their own piece of art inspired by Ardroe
  • Share and discuss their art with the class
Recap the main points of using surroundings as inspiration for art Review the art created by the students