Welcome to Ardara

Ardara is a small, lovely townland in County Donegal, Ireland. Did you know it's one of the oldest towns in Ireland? That's right! It was founded way back in the 1600s. That's older than your great-great-great-great-great grandparents!

Ardara is famous for its beautiful hand-woven tweed. Long ago, people in Ardara learned how to weave wool into a special cloth called tweed. Tweed is strong and warm and perfect for chilly Irish weather!

The most exciting story about Ardara is the arrival of the Spanish Armada in 1588. Imagine, big wooden ships with large sails, sailing away from a battle, trying to find their way home. They accidentally found Ardara instead! The local people helped the shipwrecked Spanish sailors, who were very thankful.

Ardara has always been a friendly, welcoming place. It's full of history and stories and beautiful old buildings. Next time you wear a warm woolly jumper, remember it might be made from tweed, just like the kind they make in Ardara!

  1. What is Ardara famous for?
  2. What is the most exciting story about Ardara?
  3. When was Ardara founded?
  4. Why do you think tweed was an important material for people in Ardara?
  5. How did the people of Ardara react when the Spanish Armada arrived, and what does it tell us about them?

All About Ardara

Ardara is a special little town in County Donegal, Ireland. It's like a treasure trove of natural beauty! There are lots of cool places to visit. One of them is the Nesbitt Arms Boutique Hotel on The Diamond, the town's main square. This is where people gather for fun, food, and friendship.

In Ardara, you can find amazing plants and animals. It's a paradise for birdwatchers with different types of birds flying around, like robins and thrushes. You might even spot a playful otter in the rivers!

Speaking of rivers, Ardara has the Owentocker River running through it. This fast-flowing river is a playground for salmon and trout. Also, the majestic Blue Stack Mountains are nearby, standing tall and proud. They're called 'Blue' because they often look blue from a distance.

You'll find beautiful pieces of street furniture in Ardara. There's an old-timey post box right on the main street. It's painted shiny red, and you can't miss it!

Ardara is not just a town, it's a community. The people are always friendly and welcoming. So, if you ever visit Ardara, don't forget to say a big hello to everyone you meet!

  1. What is the name of the river that runs through Ardara? What types of fish can be found in it?
  2. Why are the Blue Stack Mountains called 'Blue'?
  3. What types of birds can you see in Ardara?
  4. Using a map, can you locate the main square of Ardara, The Diamond, and the Owentocker River?
  5. Explore the area around your school or home. Can you find something of geographical interest? What is it and why do you find it interesting?

My Family and Ardara

Hi there! My name is Gray. I'm 8 years old and I live in Ardara, Co. Donegal. It's a really cool place! You can see the highest sea cliffs at Slieve League, they are so big and high, it's amazing!

But the best part is the Ardara Heritage Centre. It's like a big museum full of old stuff. My mum says it's important to learn about where we come from. I think it's just fun to see all the cool things people used to use a long time ago.

Oh, and I can’t forget about the Narin & Portnoo Golf Club. I don't play golf yet, but my dad does. The golf club is right by the sea, so I like to watch the waves while he plays.

There's also the Blue Flag Beach. In the summer, it's the best place to build sandcastles and swim. It's a bit cold, but it's lots of fun! I really love living here. There's always something fun to do or see in Ardara. Bye for now!

  1. What is the name of the place where Gray lives?
  2. Describe the Slieve League as explained by Gray.
  3. What does Gray like about the Ardara Heritage Centre?
  4. Why does Gray go to the Narin & Portnoo Golf Club?
  5. What does Gray like to do at the Blue Flag Beach?

The Logainm of Ardara

Ardara is a special place in County Donegal, Ireland. Its name in Irish is 'Ard an Rátha', which may sound a bit tricky to say! This Irish name means 'Height of the Fort'. In the old times, people built forts on high areas for safety. 'Ard' means high or height and 'Rátha' means of the fort. So, Ardara is named after a high fort.

Many years ago, Ireland was full of forts. They were big, round, stone walls where people lived and kept safe from enemies. Imagine living in a fort on a hill like the one Ardara is named after! It must have been an exciting place to live.

Today, Ardara is a beautiful town known for its pretty landscapes and friendly people. It's a great place to learn about Ireland's history and culture. Even though we don't live in forts anymore, when we say Ardara, we remember the high fort that was once there.

  1. What does 'Ard an Rátha' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think people in the old times built forts on high areas?
  3. What does 'Ard' and 'Rátha' mean in English?
  4. What do you think it was like to live in a fort on a hill?
  5. How does the name Ardara connect us to the past?

Slideshow - Ardara
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Ardara