Welcome to Ardaghy

Ardaghy is a small townland in County Monaghan, Ireland. This townland is a special place, full of history, just like a storybook!

Long, long ago, before your grandparents were even born, Ardaghy was mainly farmland. People worked hard, growing crops and raising animals. The land was rich and everyone was happy. They even made their own butter!

But, did you know that during the Great Famine in the 1840s, many people from Ardaghy had to leave their homes? The Famine was a very sad time in Irish history when potatoes, the main food, got a terrible disease and couldn't grow. Many people were hungry and had to travel far away to find food and work.

Even though it was a sad time, the people of Ardaghy were brave and strong. They helped each other and their community. Over time, they rebuilt their lives and the townland.

Today, Ardaghy is a peaceful place with beautiful landscapes. It's a perfect place to play hide and seek or have a picnic on a sunny day! Remember, even small places like Ardaghy have big stories to tell!

  1. What was Ardaghy like long, long ago?
  2. What happened during the Great Famine in the 1840s?
  3. What is Ardaghy like today?
  4. How did the people of Ardaghy help each other during the Great Famine?
  5. Why do you think it's important to remember the history of places like Ardaghy?

All About Ardaghy

Ardaghy is a lovely place in County Monaghan, Ireland. It's like a treasure box full of exciting natural features and fun places to explore! You would love to stroll down the charming local streets like the Ardaghy Road, where you might spot some beautiful Irish homes. And who knows, you may also find a friendly cat or dog lounging about!

The area is rich with lively plants and animals. The green fields are often dotted with colourful wildflowers, like daisies and buttercups. You might even see a cute rabbit hopping around or a fox prowling in the distance. If you listen carefully, you can hear the chirping of birds like the robin or the blackbird.

Ardaghy is also a fantastic spot to learn about Ireland's rivers and mountains. While there aren't any mountains in Ardaghy itself, the area is filled with gentle rolling hills that are just as fun to explore. There's also the River Fane nearby, which is a perfect place to watch ducks swimming or to play by the waterside.

So, Ardaghy is a magical place where nature comes alive. It's like a big outdoor classroom where we can learn about geography and nature while having a great time!.

  1. What are some of the animals and plants you might find in Ardaghy?
  2. Describe the landscape of Ardaghy. What physical features can you find there?
  3. Using a map, can you locate Ardaghy Road and the River Fane? What other interesting features can you find on the map?
  4. Plan a visit to Ardaghy. What would you like to see or explore there? Can you find a geographical feature that hasn't been mentioned in the text?
  5. Based on what you've read and your own research, why do you think Ardaghy could be described as a 'big outdoor classroom'?

My Family and Ardaghy

Hi, I'm Ollie and I'm 8 years old. I live in Ardaghy, Co. Monaghan and it's really cool here. We have lots of green fields and cows and sheep. Sometimes, I take long walks with my dad and we spot different types of birds. I think they are beautiful.

I like going to the big lake near my house. We go fishing there and sometimes we get to see the swans. My friends and I have races near this lake. I always win because I'm the fastest!

There's also a really old church in Ardaghy. It's called St. Mary's and it's super old, like more than 100 years! My granny says her granny used to go there. I think that's really cool.

Ardaghy is small but it's my home and I love it. I hope you can visit one day and see all the cool things here!

  1. What kind of birds do I often see with my dad?
  2. What activities do I do near the lake?
  3. Why do I think I always win the races?
  4. What is the name of the old church in Ardaghy?
  5. Why do I think the church is cool?

The Logainm of Ardaghy

Long, long ago, in a county named Monaghan in Ireland, there's a place called Ardaghy. That's a tricky word, isn't it? It's an Irish word, called a 'logainm', which means 'place name'. Ardaghy, when translated to English, means 'High Field'. It's called so because the land here is higher than its surroundings, like a field on top of a hill!

Now, let's time travel to the present day. Ardaghy is still a high field, with lush greenery all around. People live here, go to school, and play in these fields. Even after hundreds of years, the name 'Ardaghy' reminds us of its high fields and the stories of old times.

  1. What does the logainm 'Ardaghy' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think Ardaghy was named so?
  3. Can you tell a story of what you think life might have been like in Ardaghy long, long ago?
  4. How do you think the logainm 'Ardaghy' helps us remember the history of the place?
  5. Imagine living in Ardaghy today. What would you do on these high fields?

Slideshow - Ardaghy
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Ardaghy