Lesson Objective(s) Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1: Introduction to Annika Sörenstam Objective 1 40 minutes Pictures of Annika Sörenstam, whiteboard or chart paper, markers Introduce Annika Sörenstam and ask students if they have heard of her. Show pictures of Annika and ask what they notice. Discuss where and when Annika lived, and her achievements in golf. Show videos or images of her playing golf. Engage students in a class discussion about her fame. Summarize the lesson and ask students to share one interesting fact they learned about Annika. Informal questioning during the class discussion.
Lesson 2: Contributions of Annika Sörenstam Objective 2 45 minutes Books or articles about Annika Sörenstam, whiteboard or chart paper, markers Recap previous lesson and ask students what they remember about Annika. Guide students to explore Annika's contributions to society and culture. Discuss her impact on the world of golf and her role in inspiring young athletes, especially girls. Encourage students to share their thoughts on the significance of her work. Summarize the discussion and ask students to write or draw one way they think Annika's work has influenced the world. Review students' written or drawn responses.
Lesson 3: Connecting with Annika Sörenstam Objective 3 50 minutes Chart paper, markers, sticky notes Remind students about Annika Sörenstam and her achievements. Guide students to reflect on their own lives and think about connections they can make with Annika. Discuss the importance of setting goals and working hard to achieve them. Ask students to write or draw one goal they have and how they can work towards it, then share their thoughts with the class. Review students' written or drawn goals and their plans to achieve them.
Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of Annika Sörenstam's Life Objective 4 60 minutes Large paper or cardboard, markers, pictures or printouts of key events in Annika's life Show students an example of a timeline and explain its purpose. Provide students with key events in Annika Sörenstam's life and ask them to arrange them in chronological order on the timeline. Encourage them to add pictures or drawings to illustrate each event. Ask students to present their timelines to the class and explain why they chose certain events to include. Assess the accuracy of the timelines and the students' ability to explain their choices.
Lesson 5: Annika Sörenstam's Achievements Objective 1, Objective 2 45 minutes Books or articles about Annika Sörenstam, whiteboard or chart paper, markers Recap previous lessons and ask students to share one thing they remember about Annika's achievements. Provide more in-depth information about Annika's major achievements, such as her wins in golf tournaments and records she broke. Engage in a class discussion about the impact of her achievements on the world of golf. Summarize the discussion and ask students to write or draw one achievement of Annika that they find most impressive. Review students' written or drawn responses.
Lesson 6: Reflection on Annika Sörenstam Objective 3 50 minutes Chart paper, markers, sticky notes Remind students about Annika Sörenstam and her impact on society. Guide students to reflect on the lessons learned from Annika's life and achievements. Engage in a class discussion about the importance of determination, perseverance, and setting goals. Ask students to write or draw one lesson they can take from Annika's life and how they can apply it to their own lives. Review students' written or drawn reflections.