All about Annika Sörenstam

Annika Sörenstam is an amazing woman who became one of the best golfers in the world. She was born in Sweden on October 9, 1970. When she was just a little girl, Annika loved playing all kinds of sports. But it was golf that she fell in love with.

Annika started playing golf when she was just 12 years old. She practiced a lot and worked really hard to get better. She played in many tournaments and won many awards. Everyone could see that she was a special talent.

In 1995, Annika turned professional and started playing in big golf tournaments. She won her first major championship in 1995 and went on to win many more throughout her career. Annika was known for her incredible skills and strong determination. She always believed in herself and never gave up, no matter how tough the competition was.

Annika made history in 2003 when she became the first woman to play in a men's PGA Tour event in over 50 years. This showed everyone that women can compete with the best men in golf. Annika inspired many people around the world with her amazing achievements and positive attitude.

After playing golf for many years, Annika retired in 2008. But she didn't stop being involved in the sport. She started her own golf academy to help young kids learn and enjoy golf just like she did.

Annika Sörenstam will always be remembered as one of the greatest golfers of all time. Her hard work, talent, and determination continue to inspire people of all ages to follow their dreams and never give up.

  1. What sport did Annika Sörenstam fall in love with?
  2. When did Annika start playing golf?
  3. What did Annika achieve in 2003?
  4. What did Annika do after she retired from playing golf?
  5. What can we learn from Annika Sörenstam's story?

A Visit to Sweden

Hi, my name is Charlie and I'm 8 years old. I want to tell you about my awesome trip to Sweden! It was the most exciting adventure I've ever had. One of the reasons we went to Sweden was because my dad told me about this really famous golfer named Annika Sörenstam. She's like a superstar in the golfing world! So, when we arrived in Sweden, we went to visit this incredible tourist attraction called Annika's Golf Park. It's a place where kids like me can learn how to play golf. I was so excited to try it out! The park had mini-golf courses and even a driving range. It was so cool to swing the golf club and hit the ball as far as I could. The best part was that the park had these amazing interactive exhibits all about Annika Sörenstam. There were photos and videos of her playing golf, and I even got to see her famous golf clubs up close! I learned so much about her and how she became such a great golfer. Visiting Annika's Golf Park was a dream come true for me. I felt like a professional golfer, just like Annika Sörenstam. I can't wait to practice my golf skills and maybe become a great golfer like her one day. Questions:

  1. Who is Annika Sörenstam?
  2. What is the name of the tourist attraction visited in Sweden?
  3. What activities were available at Annika's Golf Park?
  4. What did Charlie learn about Annika Sörenstam at the park?
  5. How did visiting Annika's Golf Park make Charlie feel?

Annika Sörenstam Fact Finder

Year Born 
Place Born
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If deceased, year they died
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Your Turn...

After learning all about Annika Sörenstam, your job is to create a timeline of her life. You should add all the important events in her life but you can be inventive and add some interesting things that people might like to read about. You can make it as simply as you like with pen and paper or you can be very inventive and create a 3D diorama or hanging banner. The sky's the limit - go for it!
Slideshow - Annika Sörenstam
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