Lesson 1
Objective: The child should find out about the inspirational woman Anne Frank, where and when they lived, and what they are famous for.
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl book, projector, whiteboard, markers
Introduction: (10 minutes)
Show a picture of Anne Frank and ask the students if they know who she is. Explain that Anne Frank was an inspirational woman who lived during World War II and became famous for her diary.
Development: (35 minutes)
1. Read excerpts from Anne Frank's diary and discuss her experiences during the war.
2. Use a projector to show images of Anne Frank's hiding place, the Secret Annex.
3. Discuss the importance of Anne Frank's diary in sharing her story and educating people about the Holocaust.
4. Ask students to write down three things they learned about Anne Frank.
Conclusion: (10 minutes)
Have a class discussion about the impact of Anne Frank's story and how it can inspire us today.
- Collect and review students' written responses about what they learned.
- Observe participation and engagement during the class discussion.

Lesson 2
Objective: The child should explore the inspirational woman Anne Frank's contributions to society and culture. Children should discuss the impact the inspirational woman had on their time and how their work has influenced the world.
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl book, projector, whiteboard, markers
Introduction: (10 minutes)
Recap the previous lesson by asking students to share one thing they remember about Anne Frank. Explain that in this lesson, they will learn more about Anne Frank's impact on society and culture.
Development: (35 minutes)
1. Discuss how Anne Frank's diary has been translated into many languages and read by millions of people around the world.
2. Show a short video or images of Anne Frank's museum in Amsterdam and discuss its significance in preserving her memory.
3. Explore how Anne Frank's story has inspired other young people to stand up against injustice and discrimination.
4. Divide students into small groups and ask them to create a poster or presentation about the impact of Anne Frank's story.
Conclusion: (10 minutes)
Have each group present their posters or presentations and facilitate a class discussion on the importance of remembering Anne Frank's legacy.
- Evaluate the group posters or presentations based on their understanding of Anne Frank's impact on society and culture.
- Observe participation and engagement during the class discussion.

Lesson 3
Objective: The child should connect the inspirational woman Anne Frank to their own lives.
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl book, whiteboard, markers
Introduction: (10 minutes)
Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever faced a difficult situation or had to hide their true feelings. Explain that in this lesson, they will learn how Anne Frank's experiences can relate to their own lives.
Development: (35 minutes)
1. Read excerpts from Anne Frank's diary that discuss her thoughts and emotions.
2. Facilitate a class discussion on how students can relate to Anne Frank's experiences, such as feeling scared, lonely, or having to hide their true selves.
3. Ask students to write a short journal entry about a time they faced a challenging situation and how they dealt with it.
4. Allow volunteers to share their journal entries with the class.
Conclusion: (10 minutes)
Summarize the discussion by emphasizing the importance of empathy and understanding towards others who may be going through difficult times.
- Review and provide feedback on students' journal entries, focusing on their ability to connect Anne Frank's experiences to their own lives.
- Observe participation and engagement during the class discussion.

Lesson 4
Objective: The child should design a timeline of the life of the inspirational woman Anne Frank.
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl book, whiteboard, markers, large sheets of paper, colored pencils
Introduction: (10 minutes)
Show students a completed timeline of Anne Frank's life and explain that in this lesson, they will create their own timelines to better understand the chronological events in Anne Frank's life.
Development: (35 minutes)
1. Guide students through the major events in Anne Frank's life, such as her birth, the start of World War II, going into hiding, and her death.
2. Demonstrate how to create a timeline by drawing a horizontal line on the whiteboard and labeling it with dates and events.
3. Distribute large sheets of paper and colored pencils to each student.
4. Instruct students to create their own timelines of Anne Frank's life, including at least five key events.
Conclusion: (10 minutes)
Have students share their timelines with the class and discuss the significance of each event in Anne Frank's life.
- Evaluate students' timelines based on their accuracy and inclusion of key events.
- Observe participation and engagement during the class discussion.

Lesson 5
Objective: The child should review and consolidate their knowledge of Anne Frank through interactive activities.
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl book, projector, whiteboard, markers, printed quiz questions
Introduction: (10 minutes)
Begin the lesson by dividing the class into small teams and explaining that they will participate in an interactive quiz to test their knowledge of Anne Frank.
Development: (35 minutes)
1. Project quiz questions on the board and allow teams to discuss and choose their answers.
2. After each question, reveal the correct answer and discuss the reasoning behind it.
3. Incorporate additional discussion questions to encourage critical thinking about Anne Frank's life and experiences.
4. Award points to teams for correct answers and declare a winning team at the end of the quiz.
Conclusion: (10 minutes)
Recap the quiz by highlighting important facts about Anne Frank and addressing any remaining questions or misconceptions.
- Evaluate team participation and engagement during the quiz.
- Observe students' ability to provide accurate answers and explanations during the discussion.

Lesson 6
Objective: The child should reflect on their learning about the inspirational woman Anne Frank and express their thoughts and feelings through creative activities.
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl book, art supplies (paper, pencils, markers, colored pencils, etc.)
Introduction: (10 minutes)
Begin the lesson by asking students to share one thing they found most interesting or inspiring about Anne Frank's life. Explain that in this lesson, they will have the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings through creative activities.
Development: (35 minutes)
1. Provide various creative options for students to choose from, such as writing a poem, creating a drawing or painting, or composing a song inspired by Anne Frank.
2. Allow students to work individually or in small groups, providing them with the necessary art supplies.
3. Encourage students to think about the emotions and messages they want to convey through their chosen creative activity.
4. Provide support and guidance as needed while students work on their projects.
Conclusion: (10 minutes)
Allow students to share their creative works with the class and discuss the different perspectives and interpretations of Anne Frank's life.
- Evaluate students' creative works based on their ability to express their thoughts and feelings about Anne Frank.
- Observe participation and engagement during the class discussion.