Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1. History: Annaduff Co. Leitrim 60 Minutes Books on Local History, Internet Access Introduce the history of Annaduff, focusing on the origin of its name. - Discuss the meaning behind the name Annaduff - Research more on the history of the area - Create a timeline of important events in the area Recap the historical significance of Annaduff. Assess students' understanding through a short quiz.
2. History: Notable Person 60 Minutes Biography, Internet Access Introduce a notable person from the area, Margaret of New Orleans. - Discuss Margaret's life and achievements - Role-play an interview with Margaret - Write a short essay on why she is notable Recap the life and achievements of Margaret. Assess students' understanding through their role-play and essay.
3. Geography: Natural Features 60 Minutes Maps, Internet Access Introduce the natural geography of Annaduff. - Discuss the local rivers, lakes, and landscapes - Draw the natural features on a map - Take a virtual tour of the area Recap the key natural features of Annaduff. Assess students' understanding through their map drawing.
4. Geography: Mapping Skills 60 Minutes Blank Maps, Pencils Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance. - Learn how to read a map - Draw a map of Annaduff from memory - Compare their map with a real map Recap the importance of mapping skills. Assess students' understanding through their map comparison.
5. Biodiversity: Local Area 60 Minutes Internet Access, Worksheets Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance. - Discuss the local flora and fauna - Discuss ways to protect biodiversity - Create a poster on protecting local biodiversity Recap the importance of biodiversity and its protection. Assess students' understanding through their poster creation.
6. Visual Arts: Local Stimulus 60 Minutes Art Supplies Introduce the concept of using local area as a stimulus for art. - Discuss how the local area can inspire art - Create a piece of art inspired by Annaduff - Present their artwork to the class Recap the importance of local area in inspiring art. Assess students' understanding through their artwork presentation.