Welcome to Annaduff

Hello there, young explorers! Let's step back in time and visit the charming townland of Annaduff in County Leitrim, Ireland. The name "Annaduff" is quite special, it comes from the Irish language, "Eanach Dubh", which means "the black marsh". Cool, isn't it?

Now, let's talk about a story from long, long ago. Back in the 6th century, Saint Patrick, Ireland's patron saint, visited Annaduff. Can you imagine that? He established a church there, called St. Mary's. This church was really important because it was one of the first places people could go to learn about Christianity in Ireland.

Even though it's a small place, Annaduff has been home to people for a very long time. In fact, archaeologists have found ancient burial grounds there, which tells us that people lived there thousands of years ago!

Today, Annaduff is a quiet, peaceful place surrounded by beautiful green fields and farms. So, next time you visit, remember all the rich history that has happened right where you're standing!

  1. What does the name "Annaduff" mean in the Irish language?
  2. Who visited Annaduff in the 6th century and what did he establish there?
  3. What have archaeologists found in Annaduff that shows people lived there thousands of years ago?
  4. Why do you think Saint Patrick chose to establish a church in Annaduff?
  5. If you could travel back in time, what period of Annaduff's history would you like to visit and why?

All About Annaduff

Welcome to the wonderful world of Annaduff, located in County Leitrim, Ireland! This little gem is nestled between the bustling town of Carrick-on-Shannon and the charming village of Dromod.

One of the most special things about Annaduff is the majestic River Shannon, the longest river in Ireland! It flows gracefully by the village, creating a beautiful habitat for lots of animals and plants. If you're lucky, you might spot kingfishers, otters, and even playful water voles. The river is also surrounded by lush green fields where cows and sheep love to graze.

In Annaduff, you'll find St. Mary's Church, a historic site that's been around for hundreds of years! Close by is the Annaduff National School where local children learn and play. There aren't any mountains here, but there are plenty of rolling hills and green fields to explore!

The flora in Annaduff is pretty special too. Look out for wildflowers like buttercups and daisies, Irish oak trees, and rustling reeds by the river. If you listen closely, you might even hear the sweet song of the skylark, a common bird in this area. So come visit Annaduff, where every day is an adventure waiting to happen!.

  1. What is the longest river in Ireland and how does it contribute to the geography of Annaduff?
  2. Describe the flora and fauna that can be found in Annaduff. How do they contribute to the area's biodiversity?
  3. What historic site can you find in Annaduff and what is its significance?
  4. Using a map, describe the location of Annaduff in relation to Carrick-on-Shannon and Dromod.
  5. Visit the area of Annaduff or use online resources to find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text. What is it and why is it interesting?

My Family and Annaduff

Hi, I'm Casey and I'm 8 years old! I live in a cool place: Annaduff Co. Leitrim. It's in Ireland. I have so much fun here. We have a huge church called St. Mary's Church. It's really old and big! I sometimes go there with my family. It's peaceful and nice.

But my favourite thing about Annaduff is the Annaduff ICA Hall. That's where we have all our village events. I once won a painting competition there. It was awesome! The hall is also where we have the Annaduff Parish Show every year. I love showing my vegetables I grow in my garden there.

There's also a pretty river called Shannon River. It's the longest river in Ireland. I love skipping stones on it and watching the ducks. Sometimes, my friends and I have picnics by the river. It is so beautiful and peaceful.

My house is near the Annaduff National School. I can see it from my window! I like school because I get to learn new things everyday. Plus, all my friends are there!

My life in Annaduff is fun. There's always something to do or somewhere to explore! I love growing up here.

  1. What is Casey's favourite thing about Annaduff?
  2. Can you describe the Shannon River based on Casey's description?
  3. What is a significant event that happens at the Annaduff ICA Hall?
  4. What can you tell about St. Mary's Church from Casey's description?
  5. What is something Casey likes to do at the Shannon River?

The Logainm of Annaduff

Annaduff is a lovely place in County Leitrim, Ireland. Its name comes from the Irish words "Eithne" and "Dubh," which translates to "The Dark Ford of Eithne" in English. This name might sound a little scary, but it's not! It refers to a river crossing that was used by Eithne, an important lady in Irish history, who happened to have dark hair.

Long, long ago, Eithne was an Irish princess. She crossed the river at this point, and so the place was named after her. It was known as "Eithne's Dark Ford." Over time, this name was shortened and changed to become Annaduff.

Now, Annaduff is a peaceful village with beautiful landscapes and friendly people. If you visited there today, you might even cross the same river as Eithne did all those years ago. Isn't it fun to think about how places get their names from history?

  1. What does the name Annaduff mean in English?
  2. Who was Eithne and why was the place named after her?
  3. What does the "Dark Ford" in the name "The Dark Ford of Eithne" refer to?
  4. How did the name "Eithne's Dark Ford" change over time?
  5. What might you see or do if you visited Annaduff today?

Slideshow - Annaduff
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Annaduff