Lesson 1: History of Anglesborough Co. Limerick V35 AH72 ```html
Time Allocation 45 Minutes
Resources Needed Books on local history, Internet access for research
Introduction Discussion about the history of Anglesborough and its logainm
Development 1. Research the history of the area. 2. Create a timeline of important events. 3. Write a short essay on the most interesting historical event.
Conclusion Review of the learned history and discussion about its significance
Assessment Evaluation of the timeline and essay
``` Lesson 2: History of a Notable Person from the Area ```html
Time Allocation 45 Minutes
Resources Needed Books and Internet access for research about the notable person
Introduction Discussion about the notable person and their impact on the area
Development 1. Research about the person's life. 2. Create a poster representing their life and achievements. 3. Prepare a presentation to share with the class.
Conclusion Review of the person's life and their influence on the area
Assessment Evaluation of the poster and presentation
``` Lesson 3: Geography of the Area ```html
Time Allocation 45 Minutes
Resources Needed Maps of Anglesborough, Internet access for research
Introduction Discussion about the natural geography of the area
Development 1. Identify the natural features on a map. 2. Research about the formation of these features. 3. Create a diorama representing the geography of the area.
Conclusion Review of the natural geography and its significance
Assessment Evaluation of the diorama and understanding of the geography
``` Lesson 4: Mapping Skills ```html
Time Allocation 45 Minutes
Resources Needed Blank maps, markers, rulers
Introduction Discussion about the importance of mapping skills
Development 1. Practice mapping skills by drawing a map of the school. 2. Draw a map of the local area. 3. Compare the two maps and discuss the differences.
Conclusion Review of the mapping skills learned and their importance
Assessment Evaluation of the drawn maps and understanding of mapping skills
``` Lesson 5: Biodiversity ```html
Time Allocation 45 Minutes
Resources Needed Field guides, notebooks, pencils
Introduction Discussion about biodiversity and its importance
Development 1. Explore the local area for different species. 2. Record observations in a notebook. 3. Discuss ways to protect the local biodiversity.
Conclusion Review of the biodiversity observed and the importance of protection
Assessment Evaluation of the observation notes and understanding of biodiversity
``` Lesson 6: Visual Arts ```html
Time Allocation 45 Minutes
Resources Needed Art supplies (paints, brushes, paper, etc.)
Introduction Discussion about using the local area as a stimulus for art
Development 1. Sketch a scene from the local area. 2. Paint the sketched scene. 3. Discuss the art and the feelings it evokes.
Conclusion Review of the created art and the feelings it represents
Assessment Evaluation of the created art and understanding of the art process