Welcome to Amberhill

Amberhill is a small, cozy townland in County Waterford, Ireland. It's like a little puzzle piece that helps make up our big, beautiful country. Its name sounds like a place where you might find glowing gems, doesn't it?

Now, let's jump back in time. Imagine you're in a time machine! Many, many years ago, before your great-grandparents were born, Amberhill was a busy farming area. People woke up with the sun to tend to their animals and fields. They grew things like potatoes and carrots, and they had cows and sheep. It was hard work, but they had each other to help.

There isn't a famous battle or treasure found in Amberhill's past, but that's okay. Not all history is about big events. Sometimes, it's about everyday people living their lives, just like you and me. And that's the history of Amberhill - ordinary people, leading extraordinary lives, making their home on this little piece of Ireland.

So, next time you're munching on a carrot or a potato, think of the farmers in Amberhill from long ago. Maybe that carrot was grown in a place just like it!

  1. What kind of place is Amberhill?
  2. What were the people in Amberhill busy with many years ago?
  3. What kind of history does Amberhill have?
  4. Why do you think the text says the people of Amberhill were leading extraordinary lives?
  5. If you could ask one of the old farmers from Amberhill a question, what would it be and why?

All About Amberhill

Amberhill in County Waterford is a super exciting place! It's a small town tucked away in the south-east corner of Ireland. One of the cool things about Amberhill is its green hills, which are like big, fluffy green pillows. These hills are home to many different animals like rabbits, foxes and even badgers!

Amberhill is also full of beautiful trees and plants. Green fields are speckled with daisies and buttercups in spring and summer. And in autumn, the trees wear a coat of red and gold leaves.

The town has a beautiful park, known as 'Amber Park', which has a fun playground and lots of benches for tired legs. The Main Street, right in the middle, has many colourful shops and houses.

There's also a small river called the 'Nanny River' that runs through the town. It's a favourite spot for ducks and sometimes you can even see them swimming!

Although there aren't any mountains, the rolling hills make for great adventure spots and the nearby coast brings fresh, salty air to the town. Amberhill is a wonderful place full of nature and fun things to see and do!

  1. What type of animals are mentioned as living in the hills of Amberhill?
  2. Describe the changes the trees in Amberhill go through from spring to autumn.
  3. What features make 'Amber Park' a place for relaxation and fun?
  4. Using a map of County Waterford, can you locate Amberhill and the 'Nanny River'?
  5. Take a trip to Amberhill or use online resources to find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text. What is it and why do you find it interesting?

My Family and Amberhill

Hi, I'm Finley and I'm 8 years old! I live in a beautiful place called Amberhill in Co. Waterford. Amberhill is a magical place, surrounded by rolling green hills. The best part? My house is right next to the most amazing hill, it's called Sugarloaf Hill. It's so high, I feel like I can touch the clouds when I climb it!

You know what else is cool? There's a castle near my house, it's called Lismore Castle. It's super old and big, I pretend it's my castle sometimes when I'm playing with my friends. We love to make up stories about knights and princesses living there long time ago.

There's also a beautiful river running through our town, the River Blackwater. In summers, I like to go fishing there with my dad. Sometimes, we even see otters playing in the water!

Living in Amberhill is fun. There's always something to do and explore. Whether it's climbing Sugarloaf Hill, playing pretend at Lismore Castle, or fishing in the River Blackwater, every day is a new adventure!

  1. What is the name of the hill next to Finley's house?
  2. What does Finley like to do at the River Blackwater?
  3. What games does Finley play when visiting Lismore Castle?
  4. How does Finley feel about living in Amberhill?
  5. What animals does Finley sometimes see at the River Blackwater?

The Logainm of Amberhill

Amberhill is a beautiful place in County Waterford, Ireland. The name Amberhill comes from the Irish language. In Irish, it is called "Cnoc Omra", which means "Hill of Amber". Amber is a golden, shiny stone that is often found on beaches. It's like a precious jewel from the sea!

Long, long ago, people believed that amber had magical powers. They thought it could protect them from harm. So, the people who named Amberhill probably found amber on its beaches and thought it was a special, magical place.

Nowadays, Amberhill is still a special place. It's not because of magic amber anymore, but because of the wonderful people who live there! They keep the history and stories of Amberhill alive. So next time you visit Amberhill, remember, its name means "Hill of Amber".

  1. What does the name Amberhill mean in English?
  2. What is amber and where is it often found?
  3. Why do you think the people who named Amberhill thought it was a special place?
  4. What made Amberhill special long ago, and what makes it special now?
  5. Can you think of any other places that have interesting stories behind their names?

Slideshow - Amberhill
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Amberhill