Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 60 minutes Copy of Amal Unbound Introduce the book and its author. Discuss the importance of themes in stories. Read aloud the first chapter of Amal Unbound. Engage students in a discussion about the themes present in the story. Ask students to choose a theme from the book and create a visual representation of it. Observe students' participation in the discussion and assess their understanding of the theme through their visual representation.
Lesson 2 60 minutes Copy of Amal Unbound Review the story of Amal Unbound. Explain the concept of summarizing a book. Provide students with a summary template. Read and discuss a chapter from the book together. Ask students to write a summary of the chapter using the template. Review their summaries as a class. Assess students' ability to accurately summarize the chapter using the provided template.
Lesson 3 60 minutes Copy of Amal Unbound, Writing materials Discuss the purpose of book reviews and how they help others decide whether to read a book. Read aloud a book review example. Analyze its structure and content. Ask students to write a book review of Amal Unbound. Provide them with a book review template to guide their writing. Assess students' ability to write a coherent and informative book review using the provided template.
Lesson 4 90 minutes Copy of Amal Unbound, Writing materials Discuss the elements of a story (characters, setting, plot, etc.) and the importance of planning before writing. Guide students in brainstorming ideas for their own stories based on the themes of Amal Unbound. Ask students to create a story plan, including the main characters, setting, and plot. Provide support as needed. Assess students' story plans for clarity and alignment with the themes of Amal Unbound.
Lesson 5 90 minutes Copy of Amal Unbound, Writing materials Review the story plans created in the previous lesson. Discuss the importance of editing and revising. Guide students in writing their stories based on their plans. Encourage them to be creative and use descriptive language. Allow students time to edit and revise their stories. Discuss the importance of presenting their work confidently. Assess students' ability to write a story aligned with their plan and their presentation skills during sharing.