Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 1 hour Printed images of Agnes Martin's artwork, Untitled Introduce Agnes Martin and her famous work, Untitled Discuss the elements and principles of art used in Untitled Share thoughts and observations about the artwork Class discussion and participation
Lesson 2 1 hour Large sheets of paper, pencils, rulers, paintbrushes, acrylic paint Recap Agnes Martin and her use of medium Experiment with creating straight lines and grids using rulers Create a collaborative artwork inspired by Untitled Participation and completion of collaborative artwork
Lesson 3 1 hour Printed images of Untitled, drawing materials, colored pencils or markers Review Untitled and its unique characteristics Guide students in creating an original image inspired by Untitled Discuss the elements of their artwork that make it inspired by Untitled Class discussion and individual presentations
Lesson 4 1 hour Canvas boards or sturdy paper, acrylic paint, paintbrushes, water cups Revisit Untitled and its impact on the class Guide students in creating their own painting inspired by Untitled Provide opportunities for students to share their work in an interesting way (e.g., gallery walk, mini-exhibition) Participation, completion of artwork, and presentation
Lesson 5 1 hour Art supplies, printed images of Untitled Recap what the students have learned about Agnes Martin and Untitled Engage in a creative activity related to Untitled (e.g., collage, mixed media) Reflect on the process and results of the creative activity Participation and reflection
Lesson 6 1 hour Classroom materials for presentation (e.g., projector, whiteboard) Review the journey exploring Agnes Martin's artwork Invite students to share their favorite aspects of the lessons and what they have learned Celebrate the students' achievements and growth Class discussion and reflection