Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
History of Aghada Co. Cork 60 minutes History books, Internet, Maps Introduce the history of Aghada and the origin of its name. 1. Group discussion on the history
2. Research activity on the historical timeline of Aghada
3. Drawing of Aghada in historical times
Recap the history and meaning of the name Aghada. Assess children's understanding through Q&A and review of their drawing.
Notable Person from Aghada 60 minutes Biographies, Internet Introduce a notable person from Aghada. 1. Reading and discussing the biography
2. Role-play activity based on the person's life
3. Creating a timeline of the person's life
Discuss the importance of the person's contributions to Aghada. Assess through role-play performance and timeline creation.
Natural Geography of Aghada 60 minutes Maps, Internet, Geography books Discuss the natural geography features of Aghada. 1. Field trip to observe the geographical features
2. Identifying features on a map
3. Creating a collage of the geographical features
Recap the geographical features of Aghada. Assess through map identification and collage creation.
Mapping Skills of Aghada 60 minutes Maps, Compass, Rulers Introduce mapping skills and the importance of maps. 1. Map reading activity
2. Creating a map of Aghada
3. Treasure hunt using the map
Discuss the importance of maps and recap the activities. Assess through map creation and treasure hunt.
Biodiversity of Aghada 60 minutes Internet, Books on local flora and fauna Introduce biodiversity and its importance. 1. Nature walk to observe local biodiversity
2. Group discussion on protecting biodiversity
3. Creating a poster on biodiversity preservation
Recap the importance of biodiversity and ways to protect it. Assess through group discussion and poster creation.
Visual Arts inspired by Aghada 60 minutes Art supplies Discuss how nature can inspire art. 1. Observing nature and sketching
2. Creating a piece of art based on observations
3. Group discussion on the art pieces
Appreciate the art pieces and discuss the inspiration behind them. Assess through the art pieces created and discussion.