Lesson 1
Objective: The child should find out about the inspirational woman Agatha Christie, where and when she lived, and what she is famous for.
Time: 60 minutes
Resources: Agatha Christie biography books, internet access, writing materials
Introduction: Present Agatha Christie as an inspirational woman who had a significant impact on the world. Discuss the importance of learning about influential individuals.
Development: Show students pictures of Agatha Christie and read aloud a short biography. Encourage students to ask questions and engage in a class discussion about her life and achievements.
Conclusion: Summarize the main points discussed and highlight Agatha Christie's contributions. Assign a short homework task for students to find one interesting fact about Agatha Christie to share in the next lesson.
Assessment: Monitor class participation during the discussion and review students' homework submissions.
Lesson 2
Objective: The child should explore Agatha Christie's contributions to society and culture. Children should discuss the impact she had on her time and how her work has influenced the world.
Time: 60 minutes
Resources: Agatha Christie's books, projector, internet access
Introduction: Recap the previous lesson by asking students to share the interesting facts they found about Agatha Christie.
Development: Read excerpts from Agatha Christie's books and discuss their impact on society and culture at the time they were written. Show related images or videos to enhance understanding.
Conclusion: Summarize the discussion and encourage students to express their thoughts on Agatha Christie's contributions. Assign a creative writing task for students to imagine themselves as detectives inspired by her work.
Assessment: Observe students' participation in the discussion and evaluate their creative writing assignments.
Lesson 3
Objective: The child should connect Agatha Christie to their own life.
Time: 60 minutes
Resources: Chart paper, markers, magazines, scissors, glue
Introduction: Discuss the idea of inspiration and how people can be influenced by others.
Development: Have students create a collage representing their interests, aspirations, and goals, using images and words from magazines. Encourage them to include elements related to Agatha Christie's work and how it connects to their own life.
Conclusion: Allow students to present their collages to the class and explain the connections they made to Agatha Christie. Facilitate a group discussion on the importance of finding inspiration in others.
Assessment: Assess students' collages and participation in the discussion.
Lesson 4
Objective: The child should design a timeline of Agatha Christie's life.
Time: 60 minutes
Resources: Large chart paper, markers, images of Agatha Christie, information about key events in her life
Introduction: Recap the main events from Agatha Christie's life discussed in previous lessons.
Development: Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a large chart paper and markers. Instruct them to design a timeline of Agatha Christie's life, including key events and corresponding images.
Conclusion: Allow each group to present their timeline to the class. Discuss the similarities and differences between the timelines and reinforce the importance of chronology in understanding historical figures.
Assessment: Assess students' timelines based on accuracy, creativity, and presentation skills.
Lesson 5
Objective: The child should explore Agatha Christie's contributions to society and culture. Children should discuss the impact she had on her time and how her work has influenced the world.
Time: 60 minutes
Resources: Agatha Christie's books, projector, internet access
Introduction: Recap the previous lesson by asking students to share the interesting facts they found about Agatha Christie.
Development: Read excerpts from Agatha Christie's books and discuss their impact on society and culture at the time they were written. Show related images or videos to enhance understanding.
Conclusion: Summarize the discussion and encourage students to express their thoughts on Agatha Christie's contributions. Assign a creative writing task for students to imagine themselves as detectives inspired by her work.
Assessment: Observe students' participation in the discussion and evaluate their creative writing assignments.
Lesson 6
Objective: The child should design a timeline of Agatha Christie's life.
Time: 60 minutes
Resources: Large chart paper, markers, images of Agatha Christie, information about key events in her life
Introduction: Recap the main events from Agatha Christie's life discussed in previous lessons.
Development: Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a large chart paper and markers. Instruct them to design a timeline of Agatha Christie's life, including key events and corresponding images.
Conclusion: Allow each group to present their timeline to the class. Discuss the similarities and differences between the timelines and reinforce the importance of chronology in understanding historical figures.
Assessment: Assess students' timelines based on accuracy, creativity, and presentation skills.