Lesson 1: The Story of Advent | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|--------------------------|----------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | 45 minutes | Bible, images of Advent | Begin by asking students what they know about Advent. | Read and discuss the story of Advent from the Bible. | Reflect on the story and its significance. | Ask students to draw a picture or write a short paragraph about the story of Advent. | Lesson 2: Symbols and Traditions of Advent | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|-------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | 45 minutes | Advent wreath, candles, images | Show various symbols of Advent and discuss their meanings. | Create an Advent wreath together with candles. Explain the significance of each element. | Reflect on the symbols and traditions of Advent. | Ask students to write a short description of their favorite symbol of Advent. | Lesson 3: Connecting Advent to Your Life | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|------------------|--------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | 45 minutes | Journals, pencils | Discuss how Advent can be relevant to students' lives. | Have students write about a time they experienced waiting or anticipation. | Share and discuss the entries. | Assess students' journal entries for personal connections to Advent. | Lesson 4: Exploring Concepts of Advent | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|---------------------------|--------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | 45 minutes | Art supplies, worksheets | Introduce concepts like hope, peace, joy, and love. | Assign a task related to each concept (e.g., drawing, writing). | Discuss how these concepts are connected to Advent. | Review students' work to see their understanding of the concepts. | Lesson 5: Advent Symbols Scavenger Hunt | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|-------------------------|--------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | 60 minutes | List of symbols, clues | Explain the rules and purpose of a scavenger hunt. | Provide clues for students to find various Advent symbols around the classroom/school. | Reflect on the symbols found and their meanings. | Observe students' engagement and participation during the scavenger hunt. | Lesson 6: Advent Craft Day | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|-----------------------------|--------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | 60 minutes | Craft materials, instructions | Provide instructions for making Advent-related crafts. | Allow students to create crafts such as Advent calendars, wreaths, or ornaments. | Reflect on the craft-making process. | Evaluate students' completed crafts for creativity and adherence to instructions. |