Lesson 1: History of Adare Co. Limerick ```html
Time allocation 30 minutes
Resources needed Internet access, projector, Adare history book
Introduction Begin with a brief overview of Adare, its location, and importance. Discuss how a place's name can reveal its history.
Development Activity 1: Online research on the history of Adare
Activity 2: Group discussion about the origin of the place name
Activity 3: Presentation on Adare's history
Conclusion Summarize the key points from the activities and discuss the importance of Adare's history.
Assessment Quiz on Adare's history and its placename origin.
``` Lesson 2: Notable Person – Edmund Sexton Pery ```html
Time allocation 30 minutes
Resources needed Books about Edmund Sexton Pery, internet access, projector
Introduction Introduce Edmund Sexton Pery, his life and his contribution to the area.
Development Activity 1: Reading about Edmund Sexton Pery's life
Activity 2: Group discussion on his contribution to Adare
Activity 3: Role-play of an event in Pery's life
Conclusion Summarize the key points about Pery's life and his impact on Adare.
Assessment Essay on Edmund Sexton Pery's life and his contribution to Adare.
``` Lesson 3: Geography of Adare Co. Limerick ```html
Time allocation 30 minutes
Resources needed Maps of Adare, internet access, projector
Introduction Introduce the geographical features of Adare, including its rivers, lands, and location.
Development Activity 1: Identifying geographical features on a map
Activity 2: Group discussion on how these features affect life in Adare
Activity 3: Model making of Adare's geographical features
Conclusion Summarize the key geographical features of Adare and their importance.
Assessment Quiz on Adare's geographical features.
``` Lesson 4: Mapping Skills of Adare ```html
Time allocation 30 minutes
Resources needed Blank maps, markers, ruler
Introduction Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance. Show a map of Adare.
Development Activity 1: Drawing a map of Adare from memory
Activity 2: Filling in a blank map of Adare
Activity 3: Creating a 3D map of Adare
Conclusion Discuss the importance of maps and how they can help us understand a place better.
Assessment Assess the completed maps for accuracy and detail.
``` Lesson 5: Biodiversity of Adare ```html
Time allocation 30 minutes
Resources needed Internet access, projector, local biodiversity guides
Introduction Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance. Discuss the biodiversity of Adare.
Development Activity 1: Research on local species in Adare
Activity 2: Group discussion on how to protect Adare's biodiversity
Activity 3: Poster making on protecting Adare's biodiversity
Conclusion Discuss the importance of protecting local biodiversity and ways to do it.
Assessment Quiz on Adare's biodiversity and its protection.
``` Lesson 6: Visual Arts Inspired by Adare ```html
Time allocation 30 minutes
Resources needed Art supplies: paint, brushes, paper, pencils, etc.
Introduction Discuss how nature and our surrounding environment can inspire art. Show examples of artwork inspired by Adare.
Development Activity 1: Drawing or painting a scene from Adare
Activity 2: Creating a sculpture inspired by Adare's geography
Activity 3: Collage making using images from Adare
Conclusion Discuss how the local area can be a source of inspiration for art.
Assessment Review of the created artworks and discussion on how they were inspired by Adare.