Welcome to Adare

Adare is a charming little townland in County Limerick, Ireland, known for its pretty thatched cottages and historic buildings. It's like stepping back in time!

Hundreds of years ago, during the 13th century, a powerful family called the Fitzgeralds ruled over Adare. They built the fabulous Adare Manor and even a castle! Can you imagine living in a castle? They also built three churches that still stand today.

One exciting story from Adare's history is about the Earl of Dunraven. He loved Adare so much that in the 19th century, he decided to make it even more beautiful. He had the old houses re-built with lovely thatched roofs and planted lots of trees. The villagers must have been so surprised to see their homes transformed!

Even though it's a small townland, Adare has a big history. Today, it's a popular place for visitors who come to see the old buildings, beautiful gardens, and enjoy the peaceful village atmosphere. It's a great place to imagine what life was like long, long ago.

  1. What is Adare known for?
  2. Who ruled over Adare during the 13th century?
  3. What did the Earl of Dunraven do to make Adare more beautiful?
  4. Why do you think the Earl of Dunraven decided to make changes to Adare?
  5. If you could add something to make Adare even more interesting for visitors, what would it be and why?

All About Adare

Adare, found in County Limerick, is a beautiful village in Ireland. Imagine a place full of fairy tale-like houses and charming streets lined with flowers and trees! One of the most famous streets is the Main Street, where you'll find colourful houses and lovely shops.

Adare is known for its beautiful nature. It's like a big outdoor playground with many different types of plants and animals. Many birds like to make their homes in the trees, and if you're lucky, you might even spot a playful squirrel or a shy rabbit.

The River Maigue flows through Adare, and it's a great place for ducks to swim - try to spot them on a sunny day! There are no big mountains nearby, but there are lots of green fields and parks for you to run around and play in.

One of the coolest things about Adare is the old stone buildings that you can see around the village. They are like giant sculptures, and some of them have been there for hundreds of years! You'll also find some interesting street furniture - benches and lampposts that look like they've come out of a storybook.

In Adare, every day can feel like an adventure. Whether you're exploring Main Street, watching the wildlife, or playing by the river, there's always something fun to do!

  1. What types of animals might you spot in Adare?
  2. Describe the River Maigue that flows through Adare. Why is it important for the village?
  3. Can you draw a map of the Main Street in Adare based on the description provided? Use your imagination to add details.
  4. What are some of the unique features of the old stone buildings in Adare?
  5. Visit Adare, or research more about it online. Find something of geographical interest that hasn't been mentioned in the text. What is it and why is it interesting?

My Family and Adare

Hi, I'm Jamie and I'm 8 years old. I live in a pretty cool place called Adare in Co. Limerick. Adare is really nice, it has loads of trees and old buildings. My favourite is the Desmond Castle, it's really old and looks like a castle from a fairy tale. Sometimes, I pretend I'm a knight, protecting the castle. Cool, right?

My house isn't as old as the castle, but it's still nice. It's near the River Maigue which is really fun to play by. I like skipping stones across it, my record is 7 skips! I also love the Adare Manor. It's a big hotel now but I think it was a house once. It's super fancy and has a golf course. I tried golf once, it was pretty hard, but fun!

Another great place in Adare is the Augustinian Priory. It's a big old church with a tall tower. I once saw a bird's nest way up high on the tower! Living in Adare is like being in a storybook. I feel lucky every day.

  1. What is Jamie's favourite building in Adare and why?
  2. What game does Jamie like to play by the River Maigue?
  3. What does Jamie think about golf?
  4. Where did Jamie see a bird's nest?
  5. Why does Jamie feel lucky living in Adare?

The Logainm of Adare

Adare is a beautiful place in County Limerick, Ireland. The Irish word for Adare is 'Áth Dara' which means 'ford of the oak'. In old times, a 'ford' was a shallow place in a river where people could cross over. An 'oak' is a type of tree. So, Adare was a place where people crossed a river near an oak tree!

Long ago, people used landmarks like rivers or trees to name places. This helped them remember and find the places easily. The oak tree near the river in Adare must have been very special for it to give the place its name.

Today, you might not see the oak tree, but the name lives on. Every time we say 'Adare', we're remembering the people who named it and the oak tree that stood by the river.

  1. What does 'Áth Dara', the Irish name for Adare, mean in English?
  2. What is a 'ford'?
  3. Why do you think people in the past used landmarks like rivers or trees to name places?
  4. Can you think of any other places that might be named after something in nature?
  5. Even though the oak tree might not be there today, why is it still important when we talk about Adare?

Slideshow - Adare
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Adare