World Conker Championships: An Autumn Celebration

Did you know that there is a festival that celebrates conkers? It's not in Ireland, but in England, in a small village called Ashton. The World Conker Championships is a fun event that takes place every year, where people from all over the world come to play conkers. Conkers are the hard, shiny seeds of the horse chestnut tree, and in the autumn, you can find them all over the ground.

The game of conkers is very simple. Two players each have a conker tied to a piece of string. They take turns hitting each other's conker, and the aim is to break your opponent's conker. It's a fun game that requires skill and a bit of luck.

At the World Conker Championships, there are lots of activities for kids to enjoy. One of the most popular is the Junior Conker Championship. In this competition, children aged 5 to 15 can compete against each other. They get to pick their own conker from a bucket, and then they play in a knockout tournament. The last one standing is declared the Junior Conker Champion.

There are also conker crafts where kids can create their own conker animals and figures. And for those who want to learn more about conkers, there are nature walks and talks about horse chestnut trees and their seeds.

So even though we don't have the World Conker Championships here in Ireland, you can still enjoy playing conkers with your friends. And who knows? Maybe one day, you could even compete in the World Conker Championships!


  1. What is the World Conker Championships?
  2. Where does the World Conker Championships take place?
  3. What is a conker?
  4. How do you play the game of conkers?
  5. What are some of the activities for kids at the World Conker Championships?
  6. Why do you think the game of conkers has become an international event?
  7. How does the game of conkers teach about nature and its conservation?
  8. Using a computer or tablet, research more about the horse chestnut tree and its seeds. Create a short presentation about what you have learned.
  9. With an adult's help, find a horse chestnut tree and collect some conkers. Try playing a game of conkers with your friends. Remember to wear safety goggles!