Wordventurer Instructions


Game Setup:

  1. Shuffle the 20 vocabulary cards and place them face down in a draw pile.
  2. Place the game board on a flat surface. The board will have a path divided into spaces, with a start space, finish space, and three types of spaces in between: a camera, a guidebook, and a backpack.
  3. Each player chooses a colored counter and places it on the start space.
  4. Choose a player to go first.

How to Play:

Players take turns rolling the die and moving their counter the number of spaces indicated.

Depending on the type of space a player lands on, they perform the associated action:

a. Camera: Pick a vocabulary card, and without showing the word, describe the image to the other players. The first player to guess the word wins the card.
b. Guidebook: Pick a vocabulary card, and without showing the word, read the definition to the other players. The first player to guess the word wins the card.
c. Backpack: Pick a vocabulary card, and without showing the word, make a sentence using the word. The other players guess the word based on the context of the sentence. The first player to guess the word wins the card.

The player with the most cards at the finish line wins the game.