US Hedgehog Fest: Celebrating Prickly Little Friends

While there isn't a festival in Ireland specifically celebrating hedgehogs, there's a special event in the United States called the 'Hedgehog Fest.' This annual festival takes place in Massachusetts and is organised by the Hedgehog Welfare Society. It's a fun-filled day all about our prickly little friends, the hedgehogs!

At the Hedgehog Fest, children have the chance to meet actual hedgehogs and learn all about them. There's a lot to learn, like how hedgehogs have about 5,000 to 7,000 quills or how they roll into a tight ball when they're scared.

One of the exciting activities children can participate in at the Hedgehog Fest is the 'Hedgehog Olympics.' In this event, hedgehogs compete in races, obstacle courses, and even a 'cutest hedgehog' contest. Everyone cheers for their favourite hedgehog, and it's a lot of fun!

Another interesting activity is the 'Hedgehog Art Contest.' Here, children can use their creativity to draw or paint pictures of hedgehogs. The best artworks win prizes and get displayed for everyone to see.

So, even though there isn't a specific Irish festival for hedgehogs, we can still appreciate these adorable creatures. They have a special place in our hearts, and events like the Hedgehog Fest show just how much people all over the world love them!


  1. Where does the 'Hedgehog Fest' take place?
  2. Who organises the 'Hedgehog Fest'?
  3. What are some of the activities that children can participate in at the 'Hedgehog Fest'?
  4. What is a unique characteristic of hedgehogs that helps them when they're scared?
  5. What happens to the best artworks in the 'Hedgehog Art Contest'?
  6. Why do you think people all over the world love hedgehogs so much?
  7. How do you think the 'Hedgehog Olympics' might help people learn more about hedgehogs?
  8. Challenge: Use a computer drawing program to create your own artwork of a hedgehog. Try to include as many details as you can.
  9. Challenge: Research online about hedgehogs and find out three new facts about them. Share these facts with your classmates or family members.