Starlings' Spectacular Winter Murmuration in Rome

Starlings are fascinating birds that are celebrated in many parts of the world. While Ireland does not have a specific festival dedicated to starlings, we can travel virtually to Rome in Italy, where every winter, a spectacular event occurs that is known as the 'murmuration' of starlings. This is not a festival in the traditional sense, but it is a natural celebration of these birds that attracts many people each year.

A murmuration is when thousands, sometimes even millions, of starlings fly together in the sky, creating beautiful, swirling patterns. This amazing display happens at dusk, just as the sun is setting, and it is a sight that both children and adults find awe-inspiring. The starlings perform this stunning aerial ballet to keep warm and to protect themselves from predators.

Now, imagine being in Rome, enjoying pizza or gelato, and then looking up at the sky to see this miraculous show put on by the starlings. Isn't that exciting? Even though we're in Ireland, we can still enjoy this spectacle online or on TV. And who knows? Maybe one day you'll get to see it in person.

For a fun activity, you could try drawing or painting your own murmuration of starlings. Use your imagination to create the swirling patterns in the sky. You can use different colours to show the setting sun and the darkening sky. This is a great way to celebrate and appreciate the beauty of starlings, even if you're not in Rome.


  1. What is a murmuration of starlings?
  2. Why do starlings perform a murmuration?
  3. When does a murmuration usually happen?
  4. Where in the world can you see a murmuration of starlings in winter?
  5. What activity is suggested to celebrate the beauty of starlings?
  6. How do you think the starlings feel during a murmuration and why?
  7. Why do you think the murmuration of starlings attracts many people each year?
  8. Using a tablet or computer, find a video of a murmuration and describe what you see. Remember to mention the colours, shapes, and movements.
  9. With the help of an adult, use a smartphone to capture a video of birds in your local area. Try to observe their behaviour and movement patterns.