Killorglin Celebrates Irish Tradition of Samhain with Bonfire

Hello, young friends! Something exciting happened in Ireland today. In the town of Killorglin, people gathered to have a big bonfire! A bonfire is a large fire that's made outside for everyone to enjoy safely.

Do you know why they had this bonfire? It was to celebrate an old Irish tradition called 'Samhain'. This is a special day when people believe that the spirits of old friends visit us. It's a bit like Halloween, but with a bonfire!

The bonfire was as high as a house and as bright as a hundred lamps. Everyone stayed at a safe distance and watched the fire dance in the night. They told stories, sang songs, and shared a hearty meal. It was like a big, warm, nighttime party.

Even the fire brigade was there. But they were not there to put out the fire. No, they were there to make sure everyone was safe. The firemen showed the children their big red fire engine and even let them sit in it! That was a big treat for the little ones.

The bonfire burned for hours and, in the end, there was nothing left but ashes. But the memory of the bonfire and the fun they had will stay in the hearts of the children forever.

This is Emma O'Sullivan, signing off from our special bonfire news. Remember, young friends, life is full of adventures. So, keep your eyes open and you might just stumble upon one. Goodbye for now!


  1. Where did the bonfire event take place?
  2. What is the name of the old Irish tradition that was being celebrated?
  3. Why were the fire brigade present at the event?
  4. Describe what the bonfire looked like.
  5. What did everyone do at the bonfire?
  6. Why do you think it is important for people to gather and celebrate traditions like Samhain?
  7. How do you think the children felt when they were allowed to sit in the fire engine?
  8. Research about the tradition of Samhain. Write down three interesting things you learned about it.
  9. Using a drawing app on a phone or computer, create your own digital art of what you think the bonfire looked like.