Ireland's Kildare Hosts Corn Harvest Festival

Hello, boys and girls! It's time for some exciting news! Today we're talking about corn, that tall, yellow plant you might have seen in fields. It's not just for popping at the movies, you know. Corn is really important, and Ireland just had a big event about it.

In a town in Ireland called Kildare, there was a huge corn harvest festival. This is a special event where farmers celebrate all the corn they have grown. The festival was buzzing with laughter, music, and the sweet smell of popcorn! Farmers and their families came from all around to join in the fun. There were games, like 'Hunt the Corn Cob' and 'Corn on the Cob Eating Contest'.

The best part was, the festival also had a competition where farmers brought their tallest corn plants. One farmer, named Mr. O'Shea, won with a corn plant that was taller than him! He proudly said, "I've been growing corn for many years, but this is the tallest one I've ever grown!" Everyone cheered for Mr. O'Shea and his towering corn plant.

So remember, every time you eat corn or popcorn, think about all the hard work that farmers in Ireland put into growing it. And maybe one day, you might grow a corn plant taller than yourself!

That's all we have time for today. This is Shauna O'Reilly, signing off. Remember, there's always something amazing happening in our world. Keep exploring, keep learning and keep growing! Until next time.


  1. What is the name of the town in Ireland where the corn harvest festival took place?
  2. Can you name two games that were played at the festival?
  3. Who won the competition for the tallest corn plant?
  4. How tall was Mr. O'Shea's winning corn plant?
  5. What is the name of the person who signed off the news report?
  6. Why do you think corn harvesting is important in Ireland?
  7. If you were to participate in the festival, which game would you like to play and why?
  8. Using a computer or a tablet, research about the process of growing corn and create a simple step-by-step infographic.
  9. In your backyard or in a pot, try to grow a corn plant. Remember to take care of it by watering it regularly and providing it with enough sunlight.