Great Blackberry Hunt: A Fun-filled Day in County Kerry

Good day, young friends! Something very special happened in Ireland. Blackberries, those yummy, tiny, dark fruits that grow on bushes, were the stars of a big event. It was called the 'Great Blackberry Hunt'! A lot of kids, just like you, took part.

The 'Great Blackberry Hunt' took place in the beautiful fields of County Kerry. All the children, with baskets in hand, spent the day searching for the biggest, juiciest blackberries. Their faces were all smiles, as they picked and tasted the sweet fruits. Even the sun seemed to join in the fun, shining brightly all day.

At the end of the hunt, all the blackberries were weighed. The child who picked the heaviest bunch of blackberries was named the 'Blackberry Champion.' Can you imagine how exciting that must have been?

But that's not all! After the hunt, everyone gathered around to make delicious treats with the blackberries. They made pies, jams, and even blackberry lemonade. What a tasty end to a fun-filled day!

This exciting event shows us how wonderful nature is. It gives us delicious fruits like blackberries. So, next time you eat a blackberry, remember the 'Great Blackberry Hunt' and how much fun the children in Ireland had.

That's all for now, young friends. This is Aoife O'Sullivan, saying, 'Keep exploring, keep learning, and keep having fun!'


  1. What was the name of the event where children hunted for blackberries?
  2. Where did the 'Great Blackberry Hunt' take place?
  3. What was the prize for the child who picked the heaviest bunch of blackberries?
  4. What did the children make with the blackberries after the hunt?
  5. Who is Aoife O'Sullivan?
  6. Why do you think the event was held? What was the purpose behind it?
  7. If you were in the 'Great Blackberry Hunt', what strategies would you use to ensure you pick the heaviest bunch?
  8. Using a tablet or a computer, find a recipe for a blackberry pie or a blackberry jam. Try making it with the help of an adult.
  9. Use a science learning app or website to research more about how blackberries grow. Draw a picture or create a digital image showing the life cycle of a blackberry bush.