Celebrating Harvest with Corn Palace Festival

There is a wonderful festival in the United States called the 'Corn Palace Festival'! This festival is held in Mitchell, South Dakota, where a building called the 'Corn Palace' is decorated with murals made entirely of corn!

The Corn Palace Festival is a celebration of the harvest season and corn, which is a very important crop in the area. The festival lasts for a whole week in August and is filled with fun activities that children can enjoy.

One of the most popular activities for children is the 'Corn Cob Toss'. In this game, children are given a corn cob and they have to throw it as far as they can. It's a lot of fun, and the child who throws their corn cob the farthest is the winner!

During the festival, children can also learn about the different types of corn and how they are grown. There are exhibits that show how corn is used in food, as well as in products like paper and fuel. It's a great way for children to learn about the importance of this amazing crop.

The Corn Palace Festival in the United States is a wonderful celebration of this versatile and important plant. It's a festival full of joy, learning, and, of course, lots and lots of corn!


  1. Where is the 'Corn Palace Festival' held?
  2. What is the 'Corn Palace' decorated with?
  3. What is one of the popular activities for children at the festival?
  4. What can children learn about at the festival?
  5. During which month is the festival held?
  6. Why do you think the festival is important to the people of Mitchell, South Dakota?
  7. If you could create a festival in Ireland, what would it celebrate and why?
  8. Using a computer or tablet, research the different types of corn and create a short presentation.
  9. With adult supervision, try to make a small art piece using corn kernels or dried corn cobs.