Celebrating Acorns: Chumash Traditions at Ojai Festival

In America, there is a special festival that celebrates acorns! The Acorn Festival takes place in Ojai, California, a beautiful small town surrounded by mountains. The festival is held by the local Chumash people, who are Native Americans with a rich culture and history. The acorn, or "wiwish" in their language, is very special to them. They believe it brings good luck and health.

During the festival, there are many fun activities that children can enjoy. One of the most exciting is the acorn grinding demonstration. Here, children can learn how the Chumash people turn acorns into flour using a stone tool called a "metate". This is not only fun but also very educational!

Another activity that children might enjoy is the acorn art station. At this station, children can use acorns to create their own art pieces. They can make necklaces, bracelets, or even small sculptures. It's a great way for kids to learn about the value of nature while expressing their creativity.

While we may not have an acorn festival in Ireland, we can appreciate and learn from the traditions of other cultures. And who knows? Maybe one day, you could visit the Acorn Festival in Ojai, California, and take part in these wonderful activities yourself!


  1. What is the Acorn Festival?
  2. Where is the Acorn Festival held?
  3. Who are the Chumash people?
  4. What are some of the activities children can do at the Acorn Festival?
  5. What is a 'metate'?
  6. Why do you think the Acorn Festival is important to the Chumash people?
  7. If you were to attend the Acorn Festival, what activity would you like to try the most and why?
  8. Draw a picture of what you think the Acorn Festival looks like. Use your imagination and make sure to include some of the activities mentioned.
  9. Use a computer or tablet to research more about the Chumash people. Create a short presentation or document sharing what you learned.