Course Overview
This course is designed for teachers with zero technical knowledge who want to create a simple but functional web tool using ChatGPT, Google Sheets, and Google Script. By the end of the course, you will have a working website where users can select a country in the EU and see an AI-generated response to any question you ask. You'll generate all of the code using AI and then get an opportunity to understand the concepts of the code.
The course can be completed very quickly and is designed in a step-by-step way for you to create a web app. It also gives the more experienced user ideas to expand on some of the concepts. In fact, with the help of AI, even total beginners should be able to expand on their knowledge.
In order to do this course, you need an account with ChatGPT but any other AI platform will probably work. If you want to make your site interactive, you might need a paid plan for ChatGPT but this really isn't necessary. You'll also need access to Google Sheets, which is free. All of the code will use Google Sheets scripting. Other than that, we'll be using a service called Netlify Drop to show your site but you can host your files on your own website if you wish.
The idea of this course (and others) is to give you the basic tools to use AI to help you write code that let's you do things that weren't possible without knowing a coding language. I created a complete safeguarding system for my school using the same tools I'm going to show you in this free course.
If you'd like to hear more about my courses, subscribe to my newsletter and you'll get access to all of my content straight to your inbox. The newsletter contains a summmary of the news in Ireland's primary school system as well as my opinions on them. Enjoy the course!
Brief outline of Course Modules
- Module 1: Introduction to Coding Without Coding
- Module 2: Setting Up Your Google Sheet
- Module 3: Using ChatGPT to Generate Answers
- Module 4: Exporting Your Google Sheet as JSON
- Module 5: Enhancing Data with Country Flags
- Module 6: Building the Webpage
- Module 7: Making the Webpage Work with JavaScript
- Module 8: Deploying with Netlify Drop
- Module 9: Expanding the Project
- Let's get Started!
Module 1: Introduction to Coding Without Coding
In this module, we introduce the course, explain the goals, and provide an overview of the tools used. You'll learn how AI can help you generate code without technical knowledge.
Module 2: Setting Up Your Google Sheet
Learn how to create a Google Sheet, add country names, and prepare it for AI-generated answers.
Module 3: Using ChatGPT to Generate Answers
Discover how to use ChatGPT effectively to generate answers for each country, and how to format your data.
Module 4: Exporting Your Google Sheet as JSON
Learn how to transform your Google Sheet into a JSON file for use in your web project.
Module 5: Enhancing Data with Country Flags
Add flags to each country using automated scripts to make your webpage more visually appealing.
Module 6: Building the Webpage
Create the structure of your web page using HTML and CSS to display country-specific answers.
Module 7: Making the Webpage Work with JavaScript
Implement JavaScript to fetch and display JSON data dynamically when a country is selected.
Module 8: Deploying with Netlify Drop
Host your webpage online using Netlify Drop, making it accessible to others.
Module 9: Expanding the Project
Explore ways to expand the project, including user-inputted questions and OpenAI integration.